April 28, 2011

poking, and biting

Galatians 5: 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.


Paul makes an interesting observation here. You want to fulfill the law? Love, love is the key, love is the answer. It is a concept that has been preached even by Christ Himself. However it is the next piece of scripture that makes us give pause. You will be destroyed by each other……I love the imagery that Paul uses, it you bite and devour each other…….It reminds me of a dog I used to have. I had a pretty cool dog when I was younger, great personality, good all-around dog. Sure he did things to irritate you like all dogs do, but at the end of the day, he was a good dog. We lived in a neighborhood where the backyards were separated by hurricane fences. Some people call them chain-link fences. Anyway, we had a young boy that lived in the house next to us. Good kid, good family. However several times I would catch that boy teasing and poking at my dog. He would run, and scream, and bang on the fence until the dog would start to chase him, and bark, and try to jump up and get at the boy. Time and time again I would tell the boy, “look, you have to stop, he does not think that is funny, he does not think you are playing. You have to quit.” Well as some would say, boys will be boys, and this behavior continued. Now sure enough, as you can imagine, one day that boy is running my dog up and down the fence, the dog is pretty worked up. I step out back, and of course the boy stops, but while I am out there, I figure I might as well piddle around and get a couple of things done. Well the boy decides to come see what I am up to, and into the backyard he comes. Sure enough ole’ blue sees the kid on his home turf, makes a bee line for him, and before the kid can get the gate open and back through it, Blue reaches up and bites him, right on the butt! Bit him pretty hard to (after all he did have a point to make) now in the end the boy was fine, nothing more than pride was hurt, and me and his father had a little chuckle about it that evening….because after all, we can all relate, right? But take away the dog, and the fence, and replace it with two people living next to each other, and you get the exact idea of what Paul was talking about . Have we not all at some point been the dog, or the kid….most likely we have at some point or the other been both. No too fun a place to be is it? Yet we have brought ourselves to the point of being bitten, or doing the biting, because we have forgot to love. If we continue, not only will we be bitten, but surely we will be destroyed. We are human, we like to pick, we like to poke, and we like to “stir the pot”, as my father would say. We can’t help it, the desire is there, by the same token we want to lash out, we want to retaliate, we want to destroy those that might be poking us with a stick. That is where the love comes in. There is only one thing that can conquer hate, and that is love. There is only one thing that can conquer evil, and that is love. There is only one thing that can overcome any obstacle, and that is the Lord, and folks, the Lord is nothing but pure love. It is not enough to allow a little love in, it is not enough to love a few things in life. We have to flood our lives with love, so much so that is fills our lives, and leaves no room, not even a foot hold for the devil to work in a little hate. If we bite, if we poke, if we let the hate in, the we will destroy each other. I for one do not want to be destroyed, but more so, I do not want to stand before the Throne of the Lord, and explain why I destroyed another. The ambition, the greed, the scorn, whatever the drive that nudges us to the brink…..all of those reasons will count for very little, and will sound very trivial when we compare them with eternity. So love my friends, love often, love deep, and love more than expected. I can promise you that no one has ever made an enemy by trying to give more love than they get.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford







April 27, 2011

Get Real

by Matt Moore

Doctrines of the Bible don’t cause division. Differences of opinion don’t cause division. Preferences don’t cause division. PEOPLE CAUSE DIVISION. It doesn’t matter what your take is on speaking in tongues, election, worship, or anything else. Our genuine faith in Jesus Christ is what should always tie us together.
Every day I see subliminal posts arguing different stances on different issues in the Church. I’ve been guilty of it myself! But to be honest, it really doesn’t matter what believers disagree about if it doesn’t affect the centrality of our Faith and the commandment Jesus has given us to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28). Stand for what you believe in, but not at the expense of alienating or casting out other TRUE believers that may not think just like you do. There is only One who is perfect; only One who is always 100% right; and that is God, not any human being.
What we need to understand is not a single one of us even has the remote capability to “redefine the church”. You can’t even breathe on your own or make your own heart beat; how in the world do you think you are going to do anything for God? The Holy Spirit is the ONLY One who is capable of doing the will of the Father. And He WILL do the will of the Father, regardless of your personal input or involvement. He is the only One that changes people’s hearts. He is the only One that brings unity. He is the only One that brings peace. He is the only One that brings power. Not you or I!
Want to make a difference? Forsake ignorance and indulge yourself in the Word of God. Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you and work through you on behalf of the will of God. Because that is the ONLY way you will ever be used by God. He’s not interested in our personal agendas; no matter how “godly” we may think our plans are. The Holy Spirit will only act on what the Father wants; and will always, in all cases, glorify Jesus Christ. He will not glorify us or esteem us. The Holy Spirit will always unite true believers whose hearts have been so radically changed that their ONLY desire is to make much of Jesus. ALWAYS.
How do we redefine the church?
1) GET REAL and stop thinking that our personal ability & human intelligence is capable of doing anything for God.
2) Drown ourselves in the Word of God.
3) Submit completely to the will of God.
4) Pray for the Spirit of God to move so heavily that the world cannot help but acknowledge the fact that Jesus Christ is ALIVE.


1 Corinthians 4: 5 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God.


We like to use this scripture when we talk about people. Don’t judge them until the appointed time, wait until the Lord comes. However the scripture reads judge nothing.. It is actually two words in Greek the first meaning any person or object, the second meaning no, or none…..”tis me” is the phrase. Nothing. That includes a lot more than just people. It got me to thinking, you know I try pretty hard not to be judgmental. I often think of Paul, who in the beginning was judge by Christians as the devil himself. I am sure those people were quite surprised to see his transformation. Sure you can say there was a change, or he became a different man, however had he not been judged in the first place, there would be no need to recant that initial statement……..but what about everything else? When I look at my life I see that I tend to be very judgmental about a lot of other things, especially the circumstances I find myself in. I find that I feel the need to force a change, to “make it right” , or to “fix” the problem. However often it turns out that the problem in the situation is me. Had I let it play out, had I just waited on the Lord to move, I could have saved myself a lot of heartache, and misery. You see I had judged the problem, and judged it harshly. I found blame with everything about the problem, but somehow seem to have left myself out of the equation. I will tell you the truth, this is what Paul was talking about, we are quick as a people to rush to judgment, not just about people, but about problems in our life. Evidently it is a problem that has been around for a couple thousand years. I have had to come to grips with the harsh reality that guess what………I do not know everything, and I do not know exactly how this chapter is going to play out…..worse than that, I have had to learn (and I am still working on it) that …..and this one is painful……I have to wait….I have to wait for the Lord to move. I have to wait to see the end before I can go back and evaluate how best to avoid the problem again. All I can do is pray to, and hope in the Lord…..and as clearly as that, there is the answer, you see, we must learn to trust completely in the Lord.


If we are trusting in the Lord, there is no need to judge all of the things around us. If we spend our time looking to the Lord, if we focus on Him, and strive to have faith in His plan, then we have made room in our lives for Him to work, not just work around us, but in us as well. Oh I know you are thinking, Brian, you are being unrealistic, we have to DO SOMETHING…..yes, you would be right, we have to do the right thing, for that is all that any of us can do. Pray, and do the right thing. It is quite harder than it sounds. You see it is far easier to take a house down with a wrecking ball. A couple of swings and the house is down. The debris field is now twice the size of the house, but the house is down. Think about how hard it would be to take that house apart piece by piece, so that you can reuse the pieces to build something else. That is doing the right thing. Removing each piece of the problem, so that all involved can be used again. You know what? We are not that good. Have you ever tried to remove a piece of sheetrock and reuse it? How about pulling all of the nails out of a board so that it is good as new……it does not take long before you are setting the framing hammer down and looking for the sledge. I do not know about you, but I have a HUGE patience problem. However I know who does have patience, He has been waiting on us for a long long time. I know who can remove each nail, and fill every hole. So I have found it is best to let Him take care of the problem, I will just worry about trying to do the right thing. Pray for my enemy, return kindness instead of hurt, give love, even when everything inside me shouts to retaliate with pain. When I focus on that, I find that God shows up in a big way. He will work to take care of the issue. Oh I can promise, it is not always the outcome I want, or understand, but I can look around and see that we are all still whole, the house has been disassembled, and all the supplies are neatly stacked and ready to be reused; God has done it once again! He has taken the impossible, and made it possible. The Lord will always bring the light, He will always show the way, then expose the true solution, and if we do it right, if we will just have faith and trust in Him, He will shower us with praise, blessings, and peace…..so hold the judgment, and wait on the Lord, it will be the best choice you ever make.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford







April 26, 2011

Don't Leave it on the Desk

Thanks to Terry Forga for this one.

Author unknown

There was a certain Professor of Religion
named Dr. Christianson, a studious man
who taught at a small college in the western
United States.  Dr. Christianson taught the
required survey course in Christianity at this
particular institution.  Every student was required
to take this course his or her freshman year, regardless of his or her major.
    Although Dr. Christianson tried hard to communicate the essence of the
gospel in his class, he found that most of his students looked upon the course
as nothing but required drudgery.  Despite his best efforts, most students refused
to take Christianity seriously.
    This year, Dr. Christianson had a special student named Steve.  
Steve was only a freshman, but was studying with the intent of going
onto seminary for the ministry.  Steve was popular, he was well liked,
and he was an imposing physical specimen.  He was now the starting
center on the school football team, and was the best student in the
professor's class.
    One day, Dr. Christianson asked Steve to stay after class so he
could talk with him.
    "How many push-ups can you do?"
    Steve said, "I do about 200 every night."
    "200? That's pretty good, Steve," Dr. Christianson said.  "Do you
think you could do 300?"

Steve replied, "I don't know...  I've never done 300 at a time."
"Do you think you could?" again asked Dr. Christianson.
    "Well, I can try," said Steve.
    "Can you do 300 in sets of 10? I have a class project in mind and I
need you to do about 300 push-ups in sets of ten for this to work.  Can
you do it? I need you to tell me you can do it," said the professor.
    Steve said, "Well...  I think I can...yeah, I can do it."
    Dr. Christianson said, "Good.  I need you to do this on Friday. 
Let me explain what I have in mind."
    Friday came and Steve got to class early and sat in the front of
the room.  When class started, the professor pulled out a big box of
donuts.  No, these weren't the normal kinds of donuts, they were the
extra fancy BIG kind, with cream centers and frosting swirls.  Everyone
was pretty excited it was Friday, the last class of the day, and they
were going to get an early start on the weekend with a party in Dr.
Christianson's class.
    Dr. Christianson went to the first girl in the first row and
asked, "Cynthia, do you want to have one of these donuts?"
    Cynthia said, "Yes."
    Dr. Christianson then turned to Steve and asked, "Steve, would you
do ten push-ups so that Cynthia can have a donut?"
    "Sure." Steve jumped down from his desk to do a quick ten.  Then
Steve again sat in his desk.  Dr. Christianson put a donut on Cynthia's
    Dr. Christianson then went to Joe, the next person, and
asked, "Joe, do you want a donut?"
      Joe said, "Yes." Dr. Christianson asked, "Steve would you do ten
push-ups so Joe can have a donut?"
    Steve did ten push-ups, Joe got a donut.  And so it went, down the
first aisle, Steve did ten pushups for every person before they got
their donut.
    Walking down the second aisle, Dr. Christianson came to Scott. 
Scott was on the basketball team, and in as good condition as Steve. 
He was very popular and never lacking for female companionship.
    When the professor asked, "Scott do you want a donut?"
    Scott's reply was, "Well, can I do my own pushups?"
    Dr. Christianson said, "No, Steve has to do them."
    Then Scott said, "Well, I don't want one then."
    Dr. Christianson shrugged and then turned to Steve and
asked, "Steve, would you do ten pushups so Scott can have a donut he
doesn't want?" With perfect obedience Steve started to do ten pushups.
    Scott said, "Hey, I said I didn't want one"
    Dr. Christianson said, "Look, this is my classroom, my class, my
desks, and these are my donuts.  Just leave it on the desk if you don't
want it." And he put a donut on Scott's desk.
    Now by th is time, Steve had begun to slow down a little.  He just
stayed on the floor between sets because it took too much effort to be
getting up and down.  You could start to see a little perspiration
coming out around his brow.
    Dr. Christianson started down the third row.  Now the students were
beginning to get a little angry.  Dr. Christianson asked Jenny, "Jenny,
do you want a donut?"
    Sternly, Jenny said, "No."
    Then Dr. Christianson asked Steve, "Steve, would you do ten more
push-ups so Jenny can have a donut that she doesn't want?" Steve did
ten....Jenny got a donut.
  & nbsp; By now, a growing sense of uneasiness filled the room.  The
students were beginning to say "No" and there were all these uneaten
donuts on the desks.  Steve also had to really put forth a lot of extra
effort to get these pushups done for each donut.  There began to be a
small pool of sweat on the floor beneath his face, his arms and brow
were beginning to get red because of the physical effort involved.
   ;  Dr. Christianson asked Robert, who was the most vocal unbeliever in
the class, to watch Steve do each push up to make sure he did the full
ten pushups in a set because he couldn't bear to watch all of Steve's
work for all of those uneaten donuts.  He sent Robert over to where
Steve was so Robert could count the set and watch Steve closely.
    Dr. Christianson started down the fourth row.  During his class,
however, some students from other classes had wandered in and sat down
on the steps along the radiators that ran down the sides of the room. 
When the professor realized this, he did a quick count and saw that now
there were 34 students in the room.  He started to worry if Steve would
be able to make it.
    Dr. Christianson went on to the next person and the next and the
next.  Near the end of that row, Steve was really having a rough time. 
He was taking a lot more time to complete each set.
    Steve asked Dr. Christianson, "Do I have to make my nose touch on
each one?"
    Dr. Christianson thought for a moment, "Well, they're your
pushups.  You are in charge now.  You can do them any way that you
want." And Dr. Christianson went on.
    A few moments later, Jason, a recent transfer student, came to the
room and was about to come in when all the students yelled in one
voice, "NO, don't come in Stay out!"
    Jason didn't know what was going on.  Steve picked up his head and
said, "No, let him come."
    Professor Christianson said, "You realize that if Jason comes in
you will have to do ten pushups for him?"
    Steve said, "Yes, let him come in.  Give him a donut."
    Dr. Christianson said, "Okay, Steve, I'll let you get Jason's out
of the way right now.  Jason, do you want a donut?"
    Jason, new to the room, hardly knew what was going on.  "Yes," he
said, "give me a donut."
    "Steve, will you do ten push-ups so that Jason can have a donut?"
Steve did ten pushups very slowly and with great effort.  Jason,
bewildered, was handed a donut and sat down.
    Dr. Christianson finished the fourth row, and then started on those
visitors seated by the heaters.  Steve's arms were now shaking with
each push-up in a struggle to lift himself against the force of
gravity.  By this time sweat was profusely dropping off of his face,
there was no sound except his heavy breathing; there was not a dry eye
in the room.
    The very last two students in the room were two young women, both
cheerleaders, and very popular.  Dr. Christianson went to Linda, the
second to last, and asked, "Linda, do you want a doughnut?"
    Linda said, very sadly, "No, thank you."
    Professor Christianson quietly asked, "Steve, would you do ten push-
ups so that Linda can have a donut she doesn't want?" Grunting from the
effort, Steve did ten very slow pushups for Linda.
    Then Dr. Christianson turned to the last girl, Susan.  "Susan, do
you want a donut?" 

    Susan, with tears flowing down her face, began to cry.  "Dr.
Christianson, why can't I help him?"
    Dr. Christianson, with tears of his own, said, "No, Steve has to do
it alone, I have given him this task and he is in charge of seeing that
everyone has an opportunity for a donut whether they want it or not. 
When I decided to have a party this last day of class, I looked my
grade book.  Steve here is the only student with a perfect grade. 
Everyone else has failed a test, skipped class, or offered me inferior
work.  Steve told me that in football practice, when a player messes up
he must do push-ups.  I told Steve that none of you could come to my
party unless he paid the price by doing your push ups.  He and I made a
deal for your sakes."
    "Steve, would you do ten push-ups so Susan can have a donut?" As
Steve very slowly finished his last pushup, with the understanding that
he had accomplished all that was required of him, having done 350
pushups, his arms buckled beneath him and he fell to the floor.
    Dr. Christianson turned to the room and said.  "And so it was, that
our Savior, Jesus Christ, on the cross, plead to the Father, 'into thy
hands I commend my spirit.' With the understanding that He had done
everything that was required of Him, He yielded up His life.  And like
some of those in this room, many of us leave the gift on the desk,
    Two students helped Steve up off the floor and to a seat,
physically exhausted, but wearing a thin smile.
    "Well done, good and faithful servant," said the professor,
adding, "Not all sermons are preached in words."
    Turning to his class, the professor said, "My wish is that you
might understand and fully comprehend all the riches of grace and mercy
that have been given to you through the sacrifice of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ.  He spared not only His Begotten Son, but gave Him
up for us all, for the whole Church, now and forever.  Whether or not
we choose to accept His gift to us, the price has been paid."
    "Wouldn't you be foolish and ungrateful to leave it lying on the

April 21, 2011

Darkest before the dawn

John 16:  33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


I have overcome the world. What a comforting statement. We will have troubles, we will fall down, we will get hurt, but take heart, Christ overcame the world. This weekend, we will celebrate this very fact. Christ overcame the world. Those that cheered on Friday were dumbfounded on Sunday morning. Could you imagine the shock as the word spread through town. I can hear them all now….. This man must have been the Christ, he has left His tomb! How could that be? How did we miss it? How could we not have seen? I often wonder how much time and energy was spent by the Jews and the Romans searching for where those pesky followers of Christ hid the body……. For those that knew Christ they now understood, Christ did in fact overcome the world. It is done, it is finished, He is Risen! Do not miss the chance to rediscover Christ this weekend, share Him with your family, share him with your friends. He reassures each of us that though trouble may come, a brighter day is ahead, and this weekend cements that fact. The darkest days of Christ start to play out tonight. The prayers, the hope, the betrayal, the beatings, the attempt to shame, and ultimately the human death of Christ….that my friends is what you call a bad weekend. Yet Christ knew it is always darkest just before dawn, His Father is a promise keeper, He does forget about those He loves. Maybe this Easter season finds you in your darkest hours, take heart, Christ has overcome the world! Hold on to the peace that is found in knowing Christ. Today might be your Friday, But Sunday is coming. We will remember that the Sun will rise, and the Son is risen, a new season will begin. For you, and for the world. May peace be with each of you, and your families over this Easter weekend. He is risen….Indeed He is Risen.


I am out for the rest of the week, and I do not think they have Wi-Fi in the middle of the wilderness.  I pray that everyone finds themselves blessed, and peaceful this weekend. May we all revel in the forgiveness that our King paid for with His life this weekend! Be blessed my fellow sinners, Sunday in on the way!




God Bless,

Brian Thetford







April 20, 2011

Do you believe in Easter?

Luke 20: 5 They discussed it among themselves and said, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will ask, ‘Why didn’t you believe him?’ 


Why didn’t you believe him……that would be a good question would it not? That is really the choice we make daily, if not several times a day. As we grow ever closer to celebrating the resurrection of our King, the question becomes even louder…..do you believe…..do you believe in Easter? Belief is an amazing thing, I have seen people in the worst situations believe that any moment that the tide is going to turn their way, I have also seen people in the middle of a great life, hanging their head believing that their life can only get worse. Your belief becomes your reality. I believe it was C.S. Lewis who said that “I believe that there are too many practitioners in church, and not enough believers.” Heavy but true words indeed. Practicing religion without the true faith of Christ is meaningless. Yet we can easily see that there are varying degrees of this in our Churches, in our families, in our everyday lives. So this Easter week, I challenge each of us to deepen our belief, and help those around us to deepen theirs. Read about the crucifixion, the burial, the guards, and the empty grave. For those that might have doubts, study the events that took place this coming weekend, try and find a way to explain the events any other way than the way they were recorded. I know I have picked apart this weekend day by day, hour by hour when the data would allow it….each time I came away with one thing…..belief…..deep, faith filled, belief.


I will tell you the truth, if you think you are good, add some faith to your life, you will begin to see what it is to be greater than yourself. Dare to believe in the Lord, and see what it feels like to have Him believe in you. This Easter is about far more than chocolate, hidden eggs, and marshmallow peeps (although the peeps are pretty good) This Easter is about belief. It is about a culmination of about 32 years lived on this earth by a man whom the world hated, and His Father loved. It is about three days that forever changed the world, the lines between death, and life erased forever……and most importantly do you believe it? Because of this weekend we get what we do not deserve, and we are given it freely. Because of this weekend we now live for eternity, not just for today. Because of this weekend we are free to enjoy the countless blessings that our Father showers us with daily. Because of this weekend, you get to choose. A couple of thousand years ago a man hung on a cross, this weekend for some, will simply be a remembrance of an event that happened a long time ago. For others it will be a celebration of life over death, light over darkness, love and forgiveness, over hate, and shame…….Which will it be for you? The choice is yours, to believe, or just to practice religion…….One gives eternal life, eternal blessings, and unlimited love and forgiveness….the other gives an hour in Church, candy, eggs, and BBQ……This year dare to believe, step out in faith and shout from the rooftops HE IS RISEN! I pray that no one will ever have to hear that question “Why didn’t you believe Him”.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford







April 18, 2011


Mark 11: 11 Jesus entered Jerusalem and went into the temple courts. He looked around at everything, but since it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the Twelve.


SO once again we find ourselves at the beginning of Holy Week. The last 5 days that Christ will spend as man on this earth. Christ Showed up on Palm Sunday, and was acknowledged for what He was. Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord. What really rests on my heart today is not that Jesus finally is publicly lifted up, not how people put palms, and their own cloaks down on the road for Him, not how He proclaimed that the rocks would cry out His name if the crowd was silenced……no this morning I find myself amazed at the simple fact that He showed up……not only did He show up, but He showed up early! I want you to really think about that. Christ, unlike us, knew exactly how this was all about to play out. Before he asked for the colt, before He told His followers where they were going, Christ knew this trip would be His last……and He made the trip anyway.


Every time I read something about the strength, the courage, the faith that is displayed by Christ…..I always follow that thought with “what would I do?” Could I make that trip? Would you? I think of some of the times in my life that could only be described as defining moments…..I have to admit, on more than one occasion I felt a lot more like Jonah, and a lot less like Christ! It just gets me to thinking. What if I knew this was my last week, what if I knew I was to….oh I don’t know…….let’s say, I knew that I was going to have to die in the electric chair this coming Friday in Huntsville…….I can tell you I would be sweating blood a lot sooner that the night before! You might think “Oh but if you knew that your death would save the world, you would go”……Maybe, but even then would I get there 5 days early? I think it would be a lot less painful to stay as far away as possible, then show up at the last second!


It is this picture of Christ, showing up in town 5 days early, spending those precious last few days, teaching the Word of God, breaking bread with His friends, reassuring others that all will be well….this is what spurs me on to strive to more like Christ. The Faith that Christ displayed His last week here is a picture of Faith in action. It is a reminder that first and foremost, once again Christ has done something totally for others, and nothing for Himself.


And there it is, that question again what would you do? One week to live, one week left to walk the earth…..Think about that as the week progresses, each morning wonder out loud what would you do with your last few days……Would you show up early, try and take care of other people, make sure that everyone was secure, and ready as they could be to go through what was about to happen? It is a selfless life to pick up the cross, and walk with Christ, it is a life that He so perfectly gave example of while He was here. As we read, pray, and meditate on the coming week, imagine it is you that is on this journey this week. Let us all strive to be as selfless, as caring, as available, and as faithful as Christ was to everyone (especially to His Father) this week. We have about 100 hours left….what will we do with it?



God Bless,

Brian Thetford







April 15, 2011

My brother

Genesis 4:9  9 Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

Am I my brother’s keeper? How often do we ask ourselves that question? I suspect if you are like me, the answer is not often enough. Better yet, how often do we live out the affirmative to that question? Christ came into this world on behalf of every sinner. He is our adoptive brother. He showed us what the answer is, because He is His brother’s keeper. That is how He lived His life here, and that is how He continues to be a part of our lives today. So are we our Brother’s keeper? When we walk by a group of people, and they are spreading lies, and unfounded gossip…..are we our brother’s keeper? Do we step in and take up for the unrepresented? When we see others wronged, and have the connections, and the knowledge to make things right, are we our brother’s keeper? Suddenly that phrase carries a lot of weight. We have to look out for each other, we have to take care of each other. That goes well beyond taking care of those select people that we like. It goes for each and every person that draws a breath, could you imagine Christ bypassing the leper, leaving the blind in darkness, condemning the whore, or leaving the man stuck on his mat? Of course not! Now here is the crux of the problem for us. While Christ is still very active in our lives……he is no longer physically present here on this Earth…..guess what? That means that we are His proxies. We were given the signet ring, we are the physical body of Christ. We will not be perfect like He is, we will struggle, stumble and we will bicker among ourselves, unlike He did……but If we cannot imagine Christ turning His back on the unloved, the uncared for, the unspoken for, and the unrepresented masses……then just by simple logic we cannot imagine ourselves turning our backs on them! Feel overwhelmed yet?! It is a huge task, but the Lord trust in us….yes He does trust in you! We know the harvest is plenty but the workers are few! We are our brother’s keeper, We are the change that so many are seeking, we are the body of Christ! Where is your brother?

I want to leave you with a prayer that was written by a lady in a prayer group for our school. It is a prayer for each of us, and I pray that the world never has to ask is we are our brother’s keeper, I pray that the answer will be as simple as looking at our lives.

"We confess that, like the early disciples, we struggle to grasp the ways of the Kingdom that Jesus taught. Shaped by the thinking and values of our culture, we fail to see others as you see them. We easily brush them aside as having no value or significance. Carrying our own deep-seated shame, we cling to those things that we think will give us standing in the eyes of others...Create within us your servant heart that we might love and serve others with your compassion and grace."




God Bless,

Brian Thetford







April 14, 2011

Life is a dance

Matthew 4  8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”


Life is a dance, country music sings about it, rock and roll has songs about it. Perhaps it is because we are constantly moving and shaking through life, at a distance, it does look like a dance. To put it pointedly I will borrow a phrase form Flogging Molly (Irish rock band) “We are all just dancers on the devil’s dance floor” Now the actual context of the song is different, but I do think it does sum up our life here well. The devil offered Christ Himself all of the kingdoms of the world…why? Because they are his to give. Each day we wake up and dance on the devil’s dance floor. We set our foot onto the floor, and we do the most important thing we do each morning……we choose a partner to dance with that day. We choose our spiritual partner to take to the dance. Oh I know you’re thinking Brian, when I get up, all I am worried about is getting a cup of coffee, and getting myself to work…..and to that I would say that you have already made the choice. So pick your partner to take to the dance wisely. It is not just your spiritual partner you pick, but several times a day you choose a partner to dance one song with. Will it be a partner that needs you to lead, or will they lead you? Will they be graceful, just learning, or maybe they are one of those that step on your toes, and are always out of time.  Here again, it is your choice, and it is those choices that will decide how your dance plays out. Have you ever danced with someone that seemed to run into everyone around them? Maybe they act like they own the dance floor, and try to force their way through the crowd. They are slick, fast on their feet, and seem to know exactly what they are doing, but man that dance was ROUGH.  You walk off the floor after that dance and you think never again! …..but they were good looking, or they are popular, or everyone else like dancing with them, maybe I am doing it wrong……that is how our day goes, we want to choose a good partner, we want to surround ourselves with people who are looking to make a change, and people who are wanting to make that change possible…..but you know what? They are not always the best looking ones at the dance. They are not the most popular in terms of the world, and sadly, since they know that they are not perfect, they might stumble a little. Who will you choose? Those choices will greatly effect that tout come of each day. Who are you taking to the dance?  Will you choose to take Christ, or the world? Who will you dance with while you are there today? Will it be those who are struggling to do it right, or the hip, slick, and cool who only know one dance? Will you lead, or will you choose to follow. We are all just dancers on the devil’s dance floor…..that does not mean we have to dance with him.




God Bless,

Brian Thetford







April 12, 2011

Do good anyway

1 Peter 3: 13 Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.”


Have you ever written something, and as soon as it is down on paper, or the screen you think….well that is not entirely true, I better clarify.  This is what Peter is doing here. Who is going to hurt you if you try to do good? At face value, well… no one would hurt someone who is always trying to do good……unless doing that good causes someone to feel slighted, or shamed, or put upon. Have you ever seen a situation starting to get out of hand, so you jump in to try and “help out” maybe you point out that someone’s anger is only going to cause more problems, or maybe you see someone hurting and you try to bring comfort, or maybe the good you bring means that someone is going to have to do more, be more, or extend themselves beyond what they think is possible.  Guess what? Those people are not going to be happy to see you, they will not want to hear what you have to say, and a lot of times they might lash out, and yes, they will hurt you. That is why Peter follows that statement up with even if you do get hurt, do not be frightened. In other words do good anyway. As Tom Petty sings “you can stand me up at the gates of hell and I won’t back down”. That is what it takes to be eager to do good. Unfortunately, it is easier to sing about it, than it is to do it. That is why we keep our mouths closed, we miss the opportunities in our life to help, because we are afraid that we might offend, we might be threatened, we might be hurt in return…..we must do good anyway.


I want to tell you about a fella I know. He was a pretty cool cat. Seldom if ever would you find him doing anything for himself. HE was always always always out doing good. He had a kind word when needed and a firm rebuke when warranted. He could be found helping out the old, and the sick. He took time out of his day to talk with and encourage the people that society forgot, or condemned. If anything could be said about him, it was that he always did good. He never feared the fall out, he just always did good……..you know what he got for his good works? They killed him.  Yes they killed Him, and they did their best to try and forget Him. In setting His life course to only do good, to only do the will of His Father, He was spat upon, beaten, lied about, and hated…..but He did good anyway, and He gave salvation to a dying world in spite of all that was done to Him. His last moments, His last breath, was spent doing good.


Know this, when you do good, when you try to reach out, when you try to help, most of the time it will be a great experience. However you too, just like Christ, will feel the sting of the world when you try to do good sometimes. Do not fear the threats, do not be frightened. We should never fear those that can only kill the flesh……do good anyway.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford







April 11, 2011

Limiting others?

1 Corinthians 4: 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me.


Only the Lord can judge us, for it is only the Lord that truly knows our heart. Only He knows what we are capable of. Only He knows our full potential. The Lord truly knows us, better than we, or anyone on this earth knows us. That being the case, we then know that only the Lord can limit our life…..and in case you have not noticed…..He is not in the limiting business! I was called out the other day by a friend. We were talking about my daughter’s upcoming tournament, and I made the comment, “well it is her first tournament, so I don’t expect her to do that well”. My friend just looked at me and asked, “why would you put that out there?” Good point…..very good point my friend! I spend a lot of time talking about how we have to have faith that God will work in our lives, that He will reach out and make the impossible, possible….yet I could not extend that same faith to my own daughter. Who am I to judge what she can or cannot accomplish? I know her because she lives with me, I have raised her (well my wife has done more, but I have helped!), what I do not know is what she is capable of with the strength of God inside of her. That thought transfers to every person that comes into our lives. Christ looked at fishermen, and saw disciples. He looked at a man who was killing Christians, and saw a prolific writer, and encourager. Our potential is only limited by what we will allow God to do. Our growth will only be stunted when we believe in what others say about us, and quit listening to the promises that the Lord has spoken. Every accomplishment you have made in your life started out as a thought, a dream. You imagined it, and the Lord put on His work gloves and led the way for you. Do not limit your dreams! Those dreams are little snapshots…not of the impossible, but of some of the things that are possible with the Lord. More importantly do not try and limit the dreams of others. While we might think we know them, we might think we can judge what they can and cannot do……only the Lord can judge, and only the Lord can limit…….and the limit He places on our lives is eternity.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford







April 05, 2011

give thanks

Luke 17: 17 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?


Jesus had just healed ten men with leprosy. All ten men were infected, all ten men had the exact same ailment. Yet once healed only one showed up to give thanks…..furthermore, Jesus even points out that the guy that did show up was a foreigner! Someone who not only did not follow Christ, but being from Samaria, most likely had not even worshiped the one true God.  Yet this is the man that came back to give thanks. Where were the other nine? Were they not blessed as well? Were they not healed by the same undeserved love? This is a very convicting passage, because in today’s world we too take the blessing, yet forget the thanks. The very people who follow Christ are just like the nine guys in this passage. All too often we are more than happy to receive the blessing, then it is off to show it off to the world. We are so excited, so  happy, so thrilled……yet we forget the easiest part of the whole exchange, give thanks. This also transfers into our everyday lives with each other. If we are to treat each other as Christ would treat us…..better yet, if we stop to realize that Christ is alive in each of us, do we not find ourselves guilty again by not thanking each other? It is a simple acknowledgement, that is so often overlooked. I was talking to a friend just last night, and he was telling me about how he had bought lunch for a large group of kids that had gone to a UT tennis match. He did not take this group, they just happened to all end up at the same restaurant, and they were all on the High School varsity tennis team. So, being the guy that he is, he bought them all lunch. HE did not think about it, he just did it. However, as they parted ways and headed back to the courts, only one kid thanked him. Sure it is easy to say well they are kids, but at 15 – 17 years old, I think the term kid begins to wear thin. Now my friend was not upset, but he just could not believe that he would drop close to $200 bucks, and receive very little thanks for it. We all know how that feels don’t we? We go out of our way, or we stop and help, maybe we give up our time for ourselves, so that we can pitch in somewhere else, and in the end we get no thanks……now I do not bring this up, because I think that if we are not thanked for what we do, then we should stop doing it….no that would be quite the opposite actually! I bring it up because I want us to thank about how frustrating that can be sometimes. We get a little upset, we might even get a little angry, we almost always feel a little resentment……So…..how do you think God feels? We HAVE to remember to give thanks, give up the praises for the Lord! You want your life to improve, and it does….give thanks….you want that relationship to improve, and it does….give thanks! There is nothing that the Lord will not do for you, He gave His only Son……give Him the thanks that He deserves, for the blessing that we most likely do not. It reminds me of the guy who is looking for a parking space in a very crowded lot. He is driving around aimlessly, having no luck at all, so he begins to pray, Lord, if you will just help me out here, I am running late, I need to find a spot, I will start going to church again, I will start reading your word again…….oh wait a second…..never mind , I found one…….  I can promise you that we are not half as good as we think we are, and the Lord is far better than we can even begin to imagine. Give up the thanks today. Let the praises flow from your lips. Let it spill over into your life…..while people might be able to say you are a lot of things….never let them say that you are not thankful.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford




