April 20, 2011

Do you believe in Easter?

Luke 20: 5 They discussed it among themselves and said, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will ask, ‘Why didn’t you believe him?’ 


Why didn’t you believe him……that would be a good question would it not? That is really the choice we make daily, if not several times a day. As we grow ever closer to celebrating the resurrection of our King, the question becomes even louder…..do you believe…..do you believe in Easter? Belief is an amazing thing, I have seen people in the worst situations believe that any moment that the tide is going to turn their way, I have also seen people in the middle of a great life, hanging their head believing that their life can only get worse. Your belief becomes your reality. I believe it was C.S. Lewis who said that “I believe that there are too many practitioners in church, and not enough believers.” Heavy but true words indeed. Practicing religion without the true faith of Christ is meaningless. Yet we can easily see that there are varying degrees of this in our Churches, in our families, in our everyday lives. So this Easter week, I challenge each of us to deepen our belief, and help those around us to deepen theirs. Read about the crucifixion, the burial, the guards, and the empty grave. For those that might have doubts, study the events that took place this coming weekend, try and find a way to explain the events any other way than the way they were recorded. I know I have picked apart this weekend day by day, hour by hour when the data would allow it….each time I came away with one thing…..belief…..deep, faith filled, belief.


I will tell you the truth, if you think you are good, add some faith to your life, you will begin to see what it is to be greater than yourself. Dare to believe in the Lord, and see what it feels like to have Him believe in you. This Easter is about far more than chocolate, hidden eggs, and marshmallow peeps (although the peeps are pretty good) This Easter is about belief. It is about a culmination of about 32 years lived on this earth by a man whom the world hated, and His Father loved. It is about three days that forever changed the world, the lines between death, and life erased forever……and most importantly do you believe it? Because of this weekend we get what we do not deserve, and we are given it freely. Because of this weekend we now live for eternity, not just for today. Because of this weekend we are free to enjoy the countless blessings that our Father showers us with daily. Because of this weekend, you get to choose. A couple of thousand years ago a man hung on a cross, this weekend for some, will simply be a remembrance of an event that happened a long time ago. For others it will be a celebration of life over death, light over darkness, love and forgiveness, over hate, and shame…….Which will it be for you? The choice is yours, to believe, or just to practice religion…….One gives eternal life, eternal blessings, and unlimited love and forgiveness….the other gives an hour in Church, candy, eggs, and BBQ……This year dare to believe, step out in faith and shout from the rooftops HE IS RISEN! I pray that no one will ever have to hear that question “Why didn’t you believe Him”.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford








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