April 14, 2011

Life is a dance

Matthew 4  8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”


Life is a dance, country music sings about it, rock and roll has songs about it. Perhaps it is because we are constantly moving and shaking through life, at a distance, it does look like a dance. To put it pointedly I will borrow a phrase form Flogging Molly (Irish rock band) “We are all just dancers on the devil’s dance floor” Now the actual context of the song is different, but I do think it does sum up our life here well. The devil offered Christ Himself all of the kingdoms of the world…why? Because they are his to give. Each day we wake up and dance on the devil’s dance floor. We set our foot onto the floor, and we do the most important thing we do each morning……we choose a partner to dance with that day. We choose our spiritual partner to take to the dance. Oh I know you’re thinking Brian, when I get up, all I am worried about is getting a cup of coffee, and getting myself to work…..and to that I would say that you have already made the choice. So pick your partner to take to the dance wisely. It is not just your spiritual partner you pick, but several times a day you choose a partner to dance one song with. Will it be a partner that needs you to lead, or will they lead you? Will they be graceful, just learning, or maybe they are one of those that step on your toes, and are always out of time.  Here again, it is your choice, and it is those choices that will decide how your dance plays out. Have you ever danced with someone that seemed to run into everyone around them? Maybe they act like they own the dance floor, and try to force their way through the crowd. They are slick, fast on their feet, and seem to know exactly what they are doing, but man that dance was ROUGH.  You walk off the floor after that dance and you think never again! …..but they were good looking, or they are popular, or everyone else like dancing with them, maybe I am doing it wrong……that is how our day goes, we want to choose a good partner, we want to surround ourselves with people who are looking to make a change, and people who are wanting to make that change possible…..but you know what? They are not always the best looking ones at the dance. They are not the most popular in terms of the world, and sadly, since they know that they are not perfect, they might stumble a little. Who will you choose? Those choices will greatly effect that tout come of each day. Who are you taking to the dance?  Will you choose to take Christ, or the world? Who will you dance with while you are there today? Will it be those who are struggling to do it right, or the hip, slick, and cool who only know one dance? Will you lead, or will you choose to follow. We are all just dancers on the devil’s dance floor…..that does not mean we have to dance with him.




God Bless,

Brian Thetford








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