love more
Galatians 5: 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor un-circumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
Paul is speaking out here specifically about if one should be circumcised or not, and if that act makes you Holy. Of course today we really do not have that conversation much, and if so it is typically form a different viewpoint. However, back then, to be part of the chosen people, you had to be. There was no gray area, there was no middle ground. While that subject might not be the hot button topic of the day, take a few moments, and think about what is, then think about what Paul is preaching to us here. A few things come to mind right off the top of my head…..birth control, is it ok to drink a beer, what if you enjoy a cigar, how about the correct clothing, the correct hair, the correct food, those are the easy ones! …..the list is quite easy to populate if you think about it. they are our circumcision today. They are the things that keep one denomination separate from another, they are the things that some might even use as ammunition to prove that they are more holy, or righteous, or just plain better than another. Sadly, just like circumcision back then, they tear at the fabric of Christ today. Paul said it as best as it could possibly be said. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. When Jesus defined the two most important laws He did not list them as Love God, and love your neighbor……as long as he does this, or that, or wears this, or talks like this. He instructed us to love everyone, as we love ourselves, and here is the part that is so often left off. Depending on the Gospel we are told do this and you shall live, or On these two commandments hang all of the law and prophets, or there are no greater laws. Folks, what Christ was telling us, and Paul is reminding us, is that if we are not leading with a faith filled love, then we might as well not even start. Without love we are dead at the starting line. There is a word for what we get wrapped up in today, and there is not much love associated with it. It is legalism. It is destroyed Churches, faith, people, and most of all it has killed love. We cannot have love in our hearts if we are living with judgment leading the way for us. What I mean by that is that we cannot become the outstanding, unbelievable, undeniable super stars of Christ if we are spending our time looking for ways that we are better than the guy next to us. I want you to understand something, you have the love of God, the support of Christ, and the help of the Holy Spirit at your disposal……you are not going to get any better than that…..and if the guy next to you does not have that, then no matter what else he has or does not have is un important. All that matters is showering him or her with the love that is so selflessly, and un-selfishly poured out upon you daily. Period, paragraph, next subject. We have to lead with love, we have to live out loud with love, we have to overflow with love, then figure out the rest. Yet so often it is the other way around is it not? We want to figure out if they deserve, or if they look like, or if they think like…..then we can love. It is all meaningless, and has no value. If you are thinking about now how hard this is starting to sound….then you are starting to get it. You see, you can’t hate someone you love, you can’t steal form someone you love, you can’t hurt someone you love……that is why Christ is telling us to love, and the rest will fall into place. Worry about love, not who deserves it. Give it freely, give it often, it is the one commodity that you will never run out of. For every bit of love that you give away is replaced double by the Lord.
God Bless,
Brian Thetford
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