March 17, 2011

give up slavery

Galatians 5: 1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.


I have spent the last several days at the beach, any one that know me, knows that there is one thing I am overwhelmed by at the beach and in the woods, that thing is the feeling of freedom. I know that I am not the only one who feels this way. My daughters both took friends, and upon our return one of the Mothers told us that her daughter told her while she was down there “she just felt free.” It is not hard to feel free when you are surrounded by the wonders of the Lord. Be it, the thick lush trees, and foliage of the woods, or the wide open expanse of the horizon on the coast.  It is an amazing feeling this feeling of freedom, free from the turmoil of the everyday life, free from the expectations of the world, perhaps, if I am to be truthful, it is a chance to be free from the expectations that I hold on myself. Each time I come back, I make the same vow. I want to keep this sense of freedom, because that pure feeling, that invigorating feeling, the feeling of being unstoppable, is ours to have each day. It is one of the many gifts that the Lord has blessed us with. All to often though, I come back, and start looking for that yoke of slavery. So ready to fall right back in to the world; ready to go back and accept the world’s assessment of me. I am ready to go back to trying to meet the world’s standard. Don’t we all do that? We fall right back in to the routine, and next thing you know, we are waiting for our next chance to be free.  Folks, I am telling you that no matter how comfortable that yoke that world has give us had become, we must cast it off. It is no longer ours to wear. We are free children of the most high God, brothers and sisters to Christ. We cannot be bound any longer by the chains of the world. Christ did not give His life, so that we might continue ours bound, and gagged. His life blood spilled so that we might live the life of free men and women. Free from the world, free from it’s expectations, and free from death. How can we allow ourselves to be harnessed, when we have been given wings? To do so is to make the Lord a liar, and to doubt the very faith that we profess. We are free, and free we should live. Join with me today and reaffirm your faith, seize your freedom, vow to live as Christ lived. Free and unfettered by this world. Allow yourself to be filled with the freedom of Christ, then drop that yoke, and spread your wings. With the Lord, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish, there is nothing that we cannot overcome. We are free, let our lives be a beacon of that freedom, not an example of slavery.


And of course……HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!



God Bless,

Brian Thetford




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