March 07, 2011

Who is rich?

Mark 10: 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

Man! I feel bad for those rich people! I mean really, to have all of that money, and all of that time. It must be hard to manage, and I can see why Christ said it was so hard for rich people to get in…….This is how a lot of us feel right? I mean we are all working like dogs, barely getting by, I mean none of us have money left over by payday…..w can’t be rich……. I found some pretty sobering information this weekend. Did you know that right now over 1.5 billion people in the world live on less than $1.25 a day? That is Billion….with a B….well over half the world population lives on $2.20 a day…..a day folks. I am not sure, but I think I might have burned that much money in gas just dropping kids off and getting to work this morning. Now I do not bring this up so we can all feel guilty about how great we really do have it. I bring it up because guess what folks…..we are rich. Filthy, stinking, over the top rich. We live in a county that throws more food out than some countries have. We are the camels that have to pass through the eye of the needle. Tough concept to grasp huh? All this time we have been passing someone else off as the rich guy! If we stop and think, and I mean really think about it, how much time do we squander every week? How much money do we spend that we do not need to? How much love, forgiveness, and compassion, do we hold on to….well…..because it is ours? Ahhh and there it is, we think of it as ours, as if we created it, we made it, we own it……the fact of the matter is, none of it is ours. It belongs to the one that gave everything He had, it belongs to His Father. We simply get to use it. Have you ever loaned any one something, only to find out they did not use it in a way you thought they would.  I will give you an example. When I was a kid, all of about 16, my friend would let his younger brother use his truck. Now we all thought that his brother was going out, and running around with his friends. However a couple of months later, we find out that his brother was using the truck to rob, and steal. The vehicle gave him the mobility to get out there and do some damage, not do some good. I often wonder if God thinks that I am using His truck to steal stuff……..I am fairly sure that what He so graciously lends me, is not fully being used in the way He intended. He has made me rich on several levels, yet I know that I could use those gifts in a way that would glorify Him more. I want to get through that needle eye! I guess I have some work to do! How about you? Are you using God’s gifts to glorify Him? Are you using his truck to steal stuff, or are you loading that truck bed up and taking what you have to the masses? We are the rich ones, we are the favored, we have been blessed beyond what many will ever dream of…..I guess it is time for us to get skinny, so we can thread that needle eye.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford




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