February 24, 2011

more than enough to spare

Psalm 103: 13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him.



The Father has compassion for his children, and our Father has compassion on each of us. This is a huge promise form God. Compassion, mercy, forgiveness, we get that from the Lord. It is written as “for those who fear Him” Important thing to point out here. Everyone sees the word fear, and point out why should we fear a loving God. While God’s power, is enough to provoke fear, awe, and humbleness form everyone. Fear in this case is more of a moral fear. The Hebrew word used is yare’ (can’t reproduce all of the pronunciation marks) this word means fearing, or morally reverent. So in today’s vernacular it might not make sense to fear one that offers so much compassion, it makes perfect sense to respect the moral base of the one that the compassion flows from. So the Lord offers us compassion like our earthly fathers (and mothers) offer us. Ahh but some might say “Brian, you don’t know my parents. If that is the kind of compassion that the Lord is offering, then I am not interested.” And I would say I understand and agree completely. However, if your parents show little compassion, you should know that there is no amount too great that the Lord will show you. If you think no one can match up to your parents, then you sell our Lord short. There is no comparison that can be made to the amount of mercy that Lord shows us. There is no limit to the distance that the Lord can reach out, accept you back, and lavish His loving mercy, and compassion upon you. While our parents here on earth might have a breaking point, God has no such boundary. Once you realize just how special, just how important, you are to the Lord, then you can see how important it is to reach out to others, and offer the same. I would even go as far as to say that if you find yourself stingy with your love and your mercy, it is because you have not accepted how much God is willing to pour out into your life. You see, this is the beginning point. At a time when we least deserved His love, at a point in time when we least deserved His mercy, He gave us what was most dear to Him. In return He asks us to go out and live that life, show the world His love through our actions. There is nothing to fear, there is nothing to hold back. God has more than enough in store for each and everyone of us. Give that mercy, give that compassion! Live your life out loud! Live it knowing that His mercy is more than enough! 




God Bless,

Brian Thetford








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