How About a Little Me Time

So here Jesus is desiring to be alone and the crowds had followed Him. Jesus had every right to ask for “a little me time”. The Bible says though, that He had compassion on them. That is amazing! Even with a death in the family, Jesus still took time to heal the sick. Later that evening, His disciples wanted to send the crowd away. Jesus said that there was no need. He decided that they were going to feed them as well; all 5,000 – 10,000 people! After Jesus met their needs, He went away to pray.
Oh how I want to be like Jesus! He ministered to others spiritually and physically, many times to His own detriment. We are Christ’s ambassadors, created for good works. We have the privilege to bring the Kingdom to the hearts of people through the gospel message and to give a glimpse of that kingdom through mercy and compassion. My hope is that we not allow anything to stand in the way of that; namely ourselves.
Scott Hescht
Psalm 22 Ministries
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