follow the leader
John 6: 10 Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down.
5,000 men (we do not know how many women, and children, but that is A LOT of people) all in one place, no food, and it is getting late. An impossible situation to say the least…..and how does our Savior respond? “Have the people sit down” How many times have we been in a situation similar to this? No, I know that you did not have thousands of people surrounding you, all looking for food; but I bet you have had many people looking to you for a task that you feel is impossible, or maybe you have the weight of what feels like 5,000 people pressing down on you…..and you feel just like those disciples. You just want the problem to go away. JUST MAKE THEM LEAVE! The impractical, has gone from being the uncomfortable, to the impossible…….or so you think. Will you turn to Christ, will you listen when He tells you to just have the problem “sit down” for it is no problem at all. Or sure you do not know how it will be taken care of…..I know, I know….you do not have anything to work with, you don’t have the money, you don’t have the contacts, you don’t have time, the energy, or the insight, to take on the challenge you face, yet just as Christ fed over 5,000 He can solve what you think is an impossibility as well. Did anyone ever think that Christ knew what was going on all along? He knew how many people were following Him. Did He stop at the end of a busy street? Did He head to the closest stable to spend the night? No, Christ when to an area that was large enough for everyone, and then He stopped. You see even today, Christ is leading us to the location that we can take care of what we see as a problem (HE just sees it as a chance to show His love) Here is the important part, the disciples were not in on the plan. They had no idea where they were going, or how they would take care of all of these people……they simply followed, and trusted, until Christ called them to action. That is our template for how we should live today. I am with you, sometimes it is frustrating, because we do not know the plan, we can’t see the plan, no one is telling us the plan, and we just do not know how it will all work out. It is then that we must simply follow Christ, trust in Christ, have faith in Christ. He is taking us, not where we might want to go, but you can be assured that it is where we need to go. Follow and trust until you are called to action…..that is all any of us can do. Follow and you will hear Christ tell you the equivalent of just “have them sit down” , “now is the time, we are here and we have arrived”. No matter where you are heading, no matter how impossible it seems, with Christ it is just another day, another wall broken down, another obstacle overcome, or another victory where defeat seemed the only outcome. With Christ there is no impossible, unless you are speaking of death.
God Bless,
Brian Thetford
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