March 22, 2011


Luke 16: 15 He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight.

Jesus is talking to the Pharisees who were listening to Him teach His disciples. The crux of the teaching is summed up when Jesus makes these two statements; “you cannot serve two masters”, and “what people value highly is detestable in God’s sight”. Detestable, that is a pretty harsh word. God does not just dislike it, or it is not just bothersome… He finds it detestable.  I bring this up this morning, not to reflect on how we sometimes get sidetracked by our worldly goals, or how we are all greedy from time to time, but to look at something that we often miss. Our relationships here on earth we make for one reason, to glorify God. You see, our lives are not about how much our friends like us, or how many people think we are cool, hip, in sync with the current trend, or high enough up the social ladder. The only relationship that counts is the relationship that we foster with the Holy Trinity. Our lives begin, and end on the strength of that relationship. That is the challenge, that is the goal. That is what Christ is telling us here. So many of us value “stuff” God values us.  We try to justify ourselves to each other by what we have, and what we say. We are justified to God when we can stand before Him with nothing, and still see, and give thanks for all that He has given us! What we value, we will chase, what we chase will define not just our lives today, but it will shape our character, it will mold our beliefs, and it will forever forge our legacy that we leave behind.  So what will we value? Things that will tarnish, rust, and fade…most before we even leave this earth…..or will we choose to value the only thing that has true value? Our relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? One is loved by the world, and detested by God, the other is loved by God, but detested by the world. One is easy to get lost in chasing, but will be short lived; the other will take more work but will last an eternity. God knows your heart. He knows what is in there because He created it. He put a piece of his light inside of each of us.  The justification of this world will never replace the magnificent justification that comes with fully living as an adopted child in God’s family. The world gives riches, God gives wealth. The world brings struggle, God brings peace. The world hands out temporary acceptance, and short lived friendships, God gives eternal life, and relationships that last forever. What will we value? What will you value? A quick trip down the road of popularity, or the endless road of a life with the Lord? It is a struggle we face daily, it is one that is not easy, that is why so many prophets talked about it, and Christ gave us such a great example to follow. With Christ all things are possible, the hard, and the easy, the elusive, and the apparent. What we choose to value will speak for itself. After all God knows our hearts, let the good that He planted there spring forth, and flourish, so that we all might glorify God in what we value.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford




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