April 01, 2013

Faith and Provision

God does something interesting when you begin to trust him by faith. He moves you from one stage of life to the next. You begin to see his provision in everything. You are thankful for the doors he shut because you begin to see how it didn't fit into the plan he has laid out for you. Other doors he opened and though you might not have understood then, in hindsight it starts to become clearer. 

When I see my life today, I can see God all over it. It's crazy because I didn't have it road mapped out like it stands today. In fact, I have tried at times and it just doesn't work that way. More and more I can see him even in, no especially in the details. It is such a faith builder! Through good times and bad I can trust that he's got it. I'm so thankful that God knows better than I do.

Whatever trial you are going through today. Remember just that... it is a trial. God knows what he is doing.


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