April 21, 2011

Darkest before the dawn

John 16:  33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


I have overcome the world. What a comforting statement. We will have troubles, we will fall down, we will get hurt, but take heart, Christ overcame the world. This weekend, we will celebrate this very fact. Christ overcame the world. Those that cheered on Friday were dumbfounded on Sunday morning. Could you imagine the shock as the word spread through town. I can hear them all now….. This man must have been the Christ, he has left His tomb! How could that be? How did we miss it? How could we not have seen? I often wonder how much time and energy was spent by the Jews and the Romans searching for where those pesky followers of Christ hid the body……. For those that knew Christ they now understood, Christ did in fact overcome the world. It is done, it is finished, He is Risen! Do not miss the chance to rediscover Christ this weekend, share Him with your family, share him with your friends. He reassures each of us that though trouble may come, a brighter day is ahead, and this weekend cements that fact. The darkest days of Christ start to play out tonight. The prayers, the hope, the betrayal, the beatings, the attempt to shame, and ultimately the human death of Christ….that my friends is what you call a bad weekend. Yet Christ knew it is always darkest just before dawn, His Father is a promise keeper, He does forget about those He loves. Maybe this Easter season finds you in your darkest hours, take heart, Christ has overcome the world! Hold on to the peace that is found in knowing Christ. Today might be your Friday, But Sunday is coming. We will remember that the Sun will rise, and the Son is risen, a new season will begin. For you, and for the world. May peace be with each of you, and your families over this Easter weekend. He is risen….Indeed He is Risen.


I am out for the rest of the week, and I do not think they have Wi-Fi in the middle of the wilderness.  I pray that everyone finds themselves blessed, and peaceful this weekend. May we all revel in the forgiveness that our King paid for with His life this weekend! Be blessed my fellow sinners, Sunday in on the way!




God Bless,

Brian Thetford








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