April 27, 2011

Get Real

by Matt Moore

Doctrines of the Bible don’t cause division. Differences of opinion don’t cause division. Preferences don’t cause division. PEOPLE CAUSE DIVISION. It doesn’t matter what your take is on speaking in tongues, election, worship, or anything else. Our genuine faith in Jesus Christ is what should always tie us together.
Every day I see subliminal posts arguing different stances on different issues in the Church. I’ve been guilty of it myself! But to be honest, it really doesn’t matter what believers disagree about if it doesn’t affect the centrality of our Faith and the commandment Jesus has given us to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28). Stand for what you believe in, but not at the expense of alienating or casting out other TRUE believers that may not think just like you do. There is only One who is perfect; only One who is always 100% right; and that is God, not any human being.
What we need to understand is not a single one of us even has the remote capability to “redefine the church”. You can’t even breathe on your own or make your own heart beat; how in the world do you think you are going to do anything for God? The Holy Spirit is the ONLY One who is capable of doing the will of the Father. And He WILL do the will of the Father, regardless of your personal input or involvement. He is the only One that changes people’s hearts. He is the only One that brings unity. He is the only One that brings peace. He is the only One that brings power. Not you or I!
Want to make a difference? Forsake ignorance and indulge yourself in the Word of God. Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you and work through you on behalf of the will of God. Because that is the ONLY way you will ever be used by God. He’s not interested in our personal agendas; no matter how “godly” we may think our plans are. The Holy Spirit will only act on what the Father wants; and will always, in all cases, glorify Jesus Christ. He will not glorify us or esteem us. The Holy Spirit will always unite true believers whose hearts have been so radically changed that their ONLY desire is to make much of Jesus. ALWAYS.
How do we redefine the church?
1) GET REAL and stop thinking that our personal ability & human intelligence is capable of doing anything for God.
2) Drown ourselves in the Word of God.
3) Submit completely to the will of God.
4) Pray for the Spirit of God to move so heavily that the world cannot help but acknowledge the fact that Jesus Christ is ALIVE.


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