February 21, 2010

A Prayer for the Church

Thanks to Aaron Elam for sending this one. John Piper is the pastor of Bethlehem church in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

by John Piper

O Lord, by the truth of your Word, and the power of your Spirit and the ministry of your body, build men and women at Bethlehem...

  • Who don't love the world more than God,
  • who don't care if they make much money,
  • who don't care if they own a house,
  • who don't care if they have a new car or two cars,
  • who don't need recent styles,
  • who don't care if they get famous,
  • who don't miss steak or fancy fare,
  • who don't expect that life should be comfortable and easy,
  • who don't feed their minds on TV each night,
  • who don't measure truth with their finger in the wind,
  • who don't get paralyzed by others' disapproval,
  • who don't return evil for evil,
  • who don't hold grudges,
  • who don't gossip,
  • who don't twist the truth,
  • who don't brag or boast,
  • who don't whine or use body language to get pity,
  • who don't criticize more than praise,
  • who don't hang out in cliques,
  • who don't eat too much or exercise too little;
  • But

  • who are ablaze for God,
  • who are utterly God-besotted,
  • who are filled with the Holy Spirit,
  • who strive to know the height and depth of Christ's love,
  • who are crucified to the world and dead to sin,
  • who are purified by the Word and addicted to righteousness,
  • who are mighty in memorizing and using the Scriptures,
  • who keep the Lord's Day holy and refreshing,
  • who are broken by the consciousness of sin,
  • who are thrilled by the wonder of free grace,
  • who are stunned into humble silence by the riches of God's glory,
  • who are persevering constantly in prayer,
  • who are ruthless in self-denial,
  • who are fearless in public witness to Christ's Lordship,
  • who are able to unmask error and blow away doctrinal haze,
  • who are tough in standing for the truth,
  • who are tender in touching hurting people,
  • who are passionate about reaching the peoples who have no church,
  • who are pro-life for the sake of babies and moms and dads and the glory of God,
  • who are keepers of all their promises, including marriage vows,
  • who are content with what they have and trusting the promises of God,
  • who are patient and kind and meek when life is hard.

Pressing for all there is in Christ,

Pastor John

© Desiring God

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Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: By John Piper. © Desiring God. Website: desiringGod.org

Psalm 22 Ministries
GOD has not forsaken you

"By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." - Jesus

February 12, 2010

Will God Use You?

by David Stone

How about this for some good questions to start your day--Could God use me? Would God use me? Will God use me? The answer to the first two questions should be easy. Could God use me? Sure! Would God use me? Absolutely! But the third question is more difficult. The answer depends on you. Will you allow God to accomplish His purpose in your life? He could and would, but the extent to which God is able to use you is determined by your willingness.

It seems to me that every Christian would want to be used of God, but why doesn't it happen more often? I believe it's because many people are focused on their ability, or lack thereof, rather than their availability. Perhaps that's your problem. You see God using others, but you never see the possibility of Him using you. You're not alone, and this isn't a new problem. Moses had a hard time pictureing himself being used of God (Ex. 4:10-17). 

Adrian Rogers recently wrote about what Major Ian Thomas imagined Moses saying when he encountered God in the burning bush. He thought of him saying something like this:
"Would you look at that bush? It just keeps on burning for God. I wish my life could burn for God like that and keep on burning."
Then Major Thomas imagined God replying, "Moses, you think this bush is so wonderful? Do you see that bush over there? I could do the same thing with it. Moses, it's not the bush; it's God in the bush. Any old bush will do."
It's not you! It's not me! We are only the vessels of God's anointing. As you surrender yourself to God today, He will fill you and use you for His glory. 

Surrender yourself to God today, and, as you do, He will use you. Allow His flame to burn brightly for all to see.

February 11, 2010

Just a Stopover


by David Stone

"In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."
—John 14:2-3

Sometimes we act as though everything and anything that can be done must be done while we are living here on earth. Of course, we want to make the most of our time, because we don't determine when we are born or when we die. But we do determine how we will live our lives. We also need to know that life does not end after our time on earth; it continues in heaven.

When a life is limited by disability or illness, when a life is cut short through death, we tend to think, Well, that is unfortunate. They never realized their dreams. But who is to say those dreams could not be realized on the other side? Who is to say that God would not complete on the other side what He has started on earth?

When we see someone who has lived a long life but has wasted it for the most part, and then we see someone with so much promise and ability and gifting who dies unexpectedly, we think it is so unfair. But that is because we are thinking about life on earth and not realizing that life continues on. For the follower of Jesus Christ, death is not the end of life, but a continuation of it in another place.

When you book a flight, sometimes you will have a stopover. I don't like stopovers myself, because sometimes things happen during stopovers. Bad weather can roll in, which can mean getting stuck there for some time. I like to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible.

For the Christian, earth is just a stopover. Waiting for us on the other side is heaven. And we will arrive there sooner than we may realize. (By Greg Laurie)

Psalm 22 Ministries
GOD has not forsaken you