November 22, 2011


Isaiah 48:10  Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction.


Times are tough, there is little doubt about that. People are hurting, and they are feeling alone. I hear, now more than ever, the one question that resonates. Why? Why me, why now, why does it have to be hard, why can’t it just come easy? When I hear that question, I often think of this verse. I talked to a fella that works with various metals, and I asked him just what it means to “purify” silver. He told me that if you purify it, you have taken all of the slag out. The junk, the stuff that is just filler, and fluff, but not silver. When you get all of that out, then you have purified the silver. I asked him just how he goes about doing that. He told me that you put the silver in a smelter, and crank up the heat, as the silver gets hotter, it pushes out the impurities, and they rise to the top. He then takes a tool and pulls the slag off the top. He continues to add heat and pull off the slag. I asked him how he knew when he got all of the slag out. was there a temperature that must be reached, was it a specific time that it had to be done for, just how do you know.  His answer pretty much sums up what the Lord is telling us here. The man looked at me and said “I know when I am down to pure silver because when I look into the smelter, I see my reflection”. Wow, with enough heat, and enough time spent pulling the junk out he can see his reflection.


That my friends is what the Lord is doing. Now as it is pointed out we are not put through the same fire as silver. Humans don’t keep well when exposed to high heat. However we have a different furnace. It is the furnace of affliction. Yeah, I know… one likes to hear about the furnace of affliction. I do not particularly like it myself. It is hot, it is uncomfortable, and typically I end up losing some stuff that I was fairly sure I needed. However, in the end, when the Lord gets all of our slag out, guess what? He can see Himself. Now that is worth the work; and knowing that God is working to get all of the junk out of us, should also remind us that we are not alone. The Lord is standing over that furnace, pulling out the slag as it comes to the top. Have you ever stood over a furnace, or smelter? Have you ever splashed a little slag onto you while pulling it off the top? It is not easy work. It takes time, it takes sacrifice, and it takes having to put up with a little pain. Yet there the Lord is, diligently working to get the slag out.


I often think how frustrated God must be with me sometimes. I can just see Him, standing over the furnace of my life, sifting out the slag….almost done, getting clear, starting to shimmer….then bam! Another round of slag pushes up to the top. I can almost hear Him exclaim “good night! How much junk does this guy have to burn out?” Really? More? Yet He does not tire. He does not throw up His arms, and say just forget it, let’s pour this one out, and get a new one. No, He does not. He patiently stands over the furnace, waiting for the next round. Knowing that as long as I am willing to put in the work, sooner or later, that last bit of slag will float up to the top, and he will pull it off to reveal His reflection. He will look at me, and see Himself, He will look at my heart, and see the heart of His Son. At that moment, both the Lord, and I will know that every hardship, every bit of pain, grief, turmoil, disappointment, and every set back, was needed to bring me to this moment.


Take heart, and stand fast, this current season of pain, will give way to a season of joy. The pain will turn to happiness, and the disappointment, will turn to elation. You are simply in the process of pushing out some slag, and make no mistake about it….the Lord is right there ready to snatch it up, looking to see how much of Himself he can see in the reflection.



God Bless,


Brian Thetford


The Ridge Fellowship




The Workweek With Christ


November 15, 2011

Seeing God

1 John 4:12  No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.



Did you read the paper today? Maybe you listened to the radio on the way in, or you caught the news on the T.V. before you started your day. Pretty amazing stuff. We have people rallying against people who make too much money, we have people going to individuals houses, and calling them out. We have Politicians picking the personal life of their opponents apart, trying everything, and every angle to tear down the person. It is a pretty amazing sight. I am sure with a little thought you can come up with countless other instances in the news….maybe in your own life, where you see one person attacking another. What does any of that have to do with this scripture? Well first many of these people will be found in a Church this Sunday, and second I have yet to see an act of love generated from any of the actions listed above.


You see, if we are to make a difference in this world, if we are to “fix” things, if we are going to spread the love and light of the Lord……We are going to have to understand the difference between the issues, and the person. We are going to have to understand that tough love is not the same as defamation, and assault (and no that does not just mean physical assault). When did it become OK to go out of our way to hurt someone “just to prove a point” when did there become an acceptable amount of pain that we are allowed to inflict? We are allowing our world to turn into a cesspool, and I say we are allowing, because even if you sit back and say “well I am not doing any of that” Just what exactly are we doing (myself included) to stop it?


It hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. You see, I am part of the problem, I don’t want to be, and honestly I am not sure how I became involved, but looking back, I am fairly sure it had to do with me wanting to fit it. SO what do I mean? Well we did not just wake up and say “hey, starting today it is going to be OK to hurt people, or attack them” No, it started much more innocently than that. The devil is not one just to bang in the door, he is much better at just creeping in. Looking back, I see that I am not much different that a lot of people. It used to be that I had a lot for problems with many issues, but then the problem quit being with the issues, and became more about the person. It is a theme that I hear repeated often. Oh, so and so is for this, and did you know that they filed for bankruptcy, and they cheated on their spouse, and they lied on their taxes, and they…….wow! Now it seems like we are less interested in showing what is wrong with the issue, and a lot more interested in tearing the other person down. Worse yet, I don’t hear much about trying to help fix any of the problems that I have just been so eager to share with whoever will listen.  How about you? Are you guilty of the same thing? Do you see any love in any of that statement? DO you find a shimmer of the love that God holds for that person in my wonderful assessment? Sadly, neither do I. It brings me to the very upsetting revelation that I am missing the mark. To use my favorite archery term….I am sinning.


We have got to make it a point to start leading with love, even when we are encountered with people who lead with hate. Even when we find it so easy to drill down on the short comings of the person, instead of sticking with the issue, or trying to find a way to help instead of just continuing the process of degradation. It is up to each one of us to re direct the conversation, to stand up for the person, while point out the shortcomings of the issue. We must act in love, and we must start today. We live in a world where many people would love to see the name of God removed, and eradicated. Looking at the way I have behaved in a few instances….who can blame them? No one has seen God, and if people cannot see Him, and His Son in us then what are we doing here? Were we not called to spread the good news? Looking at the news, I don’t see much good news being professed. Listening to the water cooler talk I hear little good news, and more talk of isolation, despair, and struggle. How can God work to produce a perfect work in us, if we are working hard to go in the opposite direction? How can God light the world, if we refuse to light our hearts? Jesus hung on a cross, and his last act was to show love those that killed Him, He met hatred with forgiveness. Yet I have a hard time forgiving my neighbor? I have a hard time not talking negative about them? It would seem that I have some work to do, and I don’t believe I am alone on this. Hopefully, I can work to get my heart to look like Christ’s


God Bless,


Brian Thetford


The Ridge Fellowship




The Workweek With Christ


November 09, 2011

Following your heart?

Proverbs 16:9  The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.



Have you ever spent time planning something then for no real unexplained reason you end up going a different direction? We have all had that happen. You see the heart wants what the heart wants, but The Lord will step in to keep us from straying too far off the path. He nudges, He prompts, He sends the spirit to guide. We plan, we plot, we spend our time looking towards where we want to go, not necessarily where we need to go. We are only human, not perfect, nowhere near if we are to be honest. So everything we want, everything we desire, is not always the best for us, or for the Lord. Yet we want it anyway. What  God we serve!


I often hear the question, if the Lord can guide, if He can establish, then why not just line us out? You know why don’t we wake up in the morning, and right in the middle of our prayer, God breaks in directly, and says “OK, today this is what I need from you. I need you to go here, do this, and then go see this person” , Or maybe “today, I need you to work on this” Why can’t it just be that simple? Well, there are a couple of points to that question. First, where would the love come in? If we did it because we were told to, what would be the point? We are not down here doing anything that God can’t do for himself. Do you really think God needs us to go feed the homeless? Did He not feed an entire nation when they were homeless? Does He need us to go care for the sick? Did Christ himself not heal with a touch, or with a simple command? No, please never confuse “doing God’s work” with doing something in the name of God, because if you don’t He can’t”. We do these things so we can be living examples of God’s love, and that is a task that must be chosen to do. Just as each one of us were chosen by the Lord. Christ Told us, “You did not choose me, but I chose you” He chose us, and He chose to love us. If He did it because He “had to” then the love would not be present, it would be nothing more than a function. A check mark on a list. That is not love, that is something else entirely.


Secondly, what if I were to tell you that God does break into your day (and sometimes your prayers) and nudges you in the direction of His plan? He does, but as this scripture points out, sometimes we are busy following our plans, and we do not see His. Want to know what the Lord wants you to work on today? See what comes into your life. For some reason no matter what time I leave, I typically run into traffic at some point on the way in to work. I only have a 15 minute drive……traffic….at 6:45….really?  Yeah, that is no surprise, I need to work on my patience, and I find it no surprise I am provided with opportunities to work on that. Another good example is who the Lord brings into my life daily. It never fails, I typically have to deal with a few people who really have the unique ability to grind on my nerves. Yeah……sometimes I really need to work on seeing people for who they are, instead of just how they affect me….you might say I can be a little selfish. You know, I talked to a friend of mine the other day, and we were talking about this very subject. He looked at me and proceeded to tell me that he does not have those types of people in his life…..I said never? He said he could not think of one person that would meet that description. I am left with no other alternative than to believe the my friend must of lined that issue out, and is now on to other things. How about the people that need help, the people that are hurting, the opportunities that come up to make a difference, but overlap the football game, or the night out on the town?  You see, we ask for God’s guidance, but I tell you…..He is offering guidance every day…..but we have to choose to follow. We have to make a choice between our heart’s earthly desire, and the desire to follow the steps the Lord has lined up for us.


I will leave you with this thought. If your brother or sister called and asked something of you would you go do it? What if it got in the way of your plans? Would you still go? What if by doing this thing you knew you could show them how much you loved them. Wouldn’t you do it? What if it was your Dad, or your Mom? They asked you to do something, maybe they did not even ask (you know how parents can be) maybe they just dropped a hint, or you picked up on something they said. Wouldn’t you make it a point to do it? Even if you had to change your plans? Of course you would, you love them, and you want them to know it, you want an opportunity to show them. SO you put your plans to the side, and you work on theirs. God, Christ, The Holy Spirit….are they not our family as well? Honestly, don’t they love you more than your own parents, your siblings? Then, how can we not lay down our plans, and follow the steps the Lord has laid out for us? Oh we will always want what the heart wants, but we choose what we will go after. Every day, sometimes every hour. We make a choice. Will we close our eyes and blindly follow our hearts desire, or will we live with our eyes open, looking for the things the Lord beings into our life? Will we choose us or Him. It really comes down to a simple question……who do you love?



God Bless,


Brian Thetford


The Ridge Fellowship




The Workweek With Christ


November 03, 2011


John 10:10  The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.



The thief comes to destroy, we know that all too well. Many of us might have even spent part of our life running with the thief, and helping him out when the opportunity came up. Then we found the Lord, we found Jesus, invited Him into our lives, and began to understand just what He means when He says the we can have life. Oh and what a glorious life it is! We are thankful for that life, and look forward to it lasting for an eternity. The last word in this sentence is key though, and it brings to light a point that we often miss. The Lord gives us life, but it is abundant life. Often we think of life as life. You have it or you don’t you are saved or you are not. You got your ticket punched, now it is time to set off on your new life, a little different, a little better, a little………a little what? A little NOTHING. Christ came so that we might have life abundantly, not a little, but a lot. The terms used to define the Greek word used are abundantly above, advantage, exceedingly, beyond measure, more. Those words don’t make me think of a little better, they invoke visions of greatness, of going beyond the norm, accomplishing the never can’s, the can’t be done and the impossible. It brings to mind thoughts of a life better than the one I have right now…..but wait, I already have Christ, I am a believer… why would these words that define the type of life Jesus died to give me, make me think of better than what I already am? Perhaps it is because I have accepted this new life, but have yet to commit to live it fully? OUCH! That is something no one wants to hear, or admit to. Look around the church the next time a preacher makes a statement like that. You will see a lot of wrinkled noses, and that look….you know the one…the one that clearly says I KNOW he is NOT talking about me! Yet he is, isn’t he? Very few of us are living an abundant life. Lewis Timberlake made a great statement this week at a speaking event. “God does not give us dreams to taunt us” Mr. Timberlake is 100% correct, and by the way is a man I believe is living an abundant life…..a coincidence? I think not! Our dreams show us what we can achieve, if, we live abundantly.


Unfortunately , to live abundantly, you will have to take risks, and that is enough to stop many people in their tracks. But let me ask you this. Would you own a Porsche and never put your foot down? Would you own a racing boat and never throw a wake? Would you own an airplane and never fly it? We all know the answer, you are going to use every bit of power and freedom that they have to offer. But wait, there are risks, it could be dangerous….what is that you say? That is part of the appeal? Well then, why would the risks associated with using every bit of power and freedom that has been given to you by the Lord be any less appealing? It you want to fully live, you have to live like you are dying, because guess what? You are. You have to take that risk, step out in faith, and go after that dream, because that dream is not a dream. It is a reality waiting for you to show up. You were alone, but now you are not, and the One at your side said I did not die so that you can just get by.  I did not give my life so yours could just be mediocre. No my friends, we have an abundant life waiting on us. You think not you, but I assure you it is you. You think you can’t but Christ just told you that you can. You have to try, you have to get out of the comfort zone, you have to take a chance. Go live your life abundantly, you thought it was great living with Christ in your heart, wait until you start to live the abundant life He will live through you!


God Bless,


Brian Thetford


The Ridge Fellowship




The Workweek With Christ



God Bless,


Brian Thetford


The Ridge Fellowship




The Workweek With Christ


November 02, 2011

Missed Opportunity

Ephesians 5: 16  making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 



At face value to hear this passage might sound pretty bleak. Every day is evil? Every day is the devil's? Tell me that does not sound depressing! However the Greek word ponēros is derived from the base of a word that means to toil, and by implication Anguish, or pain. The word has a meaning of hurtful, or malice. When you think of it the days are hurtful. Each day is full of pitfalls, and snares, we know it, we each walk through the mine field every day. It is why the scripture urges us to make the most of every opportunity. We should get everything we can out of every opportunity that comes our way. Now some might say well I do make the most of every opportunity!…. To that I would have to ask….really? A lot of times without us even realizing it, we fall short. Think about it, do you squeeze all of the toothpaste out of the tube before you throw it away? Do you take all of your work and get it all knocked out, or do you set some off to the side and "wait till later" How about that report? Did you go that extra step, or was good enough, good enough? Did you get everything out of that car ride home with your kid form whatever event you were driving home from? Did you make the most of the time that you had with your wife, or Husband this morning before you left for work? Did you talk to that person you have been meaning to about Christ? Did you invite them to your church….did you offer them a ride? You see, often we throw out the tube of the day, without squeezing the last bit out of the bottom…..and that is what makes the day hurtful, that is truly an evil day. We have not made the most of the opportunity we have been given.


Oh I hear ya already, Brian, I don't have the time, I am too tired, there is too much going on….I need help! And there ya have it! You have hit the nail on the head, you need help. I know what you are saying about time, and energy, and just life in general getting in the way…..but there is help, and that help will help you to realize that your day is not that crowded, it is not that hectic, it is not that crazy, and it is not as evil as you might think. I am convinced the devil is operating on a new program. The days of being tempted by big things is moving to the side. The devil has found a new way to get a foothold in your life. He fills your day with "stuff" Oh yeah stuff….."what are you doing today?" "I have a lot of stuff going on."  We become convinced that we do not have time to get that last bit of life out of the day, worse yet, we fall in to the mindset of, well, I will do it tomorrow. Next thing you know, we are missing more and more because we are convinced that we always have tomorrow.  I want you to think about this. What if Jesus had lived His life without making the most out of every opportunity? Would He of still healed? What if He had started putting off until tomorrow, what could have been done today. Would He have taught as much as He did? Worse yet, what if He just did not have time to get around to dying for us? Do you think that Christ went to the cross thinking "dang, I needed to tell Peter one more thing", or " I wanted to spend more time with John", or "I wish I would have healed that woman" … all Christ had to do on the day He died, was to show up, and let His Father's plan come to fruition. Grant it, it was a big day, and a tall order, but He was able to make the most of the opportunity His Father gave Him, because, He had not squandered the previous opportunities. I hate to be Debbie downer here, but what if you do not make it home today? Still think you have made the most of all the opportunities that have been set in front of you? I know I have not. I have lived for tomorrow for so long, that learning to live for today is a struggle each and every day. I need help… much the same way Christ needed help. He did you know? Christ often went to His Father for help. There were time He felt overwhelmed, I am sure (when was the last time a few thousand people followed you around) ; Times He felt scared, times He felt alone. Each and every time we find the Jesus went to the same place, His Father. We are no different, and not only do we have God, but we have Christ Himself there to help guide us, and comfort us. Who better to help us,  than someone who has been through it all!? When we go to the Lord, He steps in and cuts away the "stuff". We are able to see the diversion for what it really is, and are able to focus on the real true opportunities in our life. We are able to cut through the fog, and our vision becomes clear. We have to start depending on the Lord more, and on ourselves less. We are right, we can't do it alone, we need help. The days are indeed evil. That is why before you get on your feet for the day, it is best to start on your knees.



God Bless,


Brian Thetford


The Ridge Fellowship




The Workweek With Christ