November 03, 2011


John 10:10  The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.



The thief comes to destroy, we know that all too well. Many of us might have even spent part of our life running with the thief, and helping him out when the opportunity came up. Then we found the Lord, we found Jesus, invited Him into our lives, and began to understand just what He means when He says the we can have life. Oh and what a glorious life it is! We are thankful for that life, and look forward to it lasting for an eternity. The last word in this sentence is key though, and it brings to light a point that we often miss. The Lord gives us life, but it is abundant life. Often we think of life as life. You have it or you don’t you are saved or you are not. You got your ticket punched, now it is time to set off on your new life, a little different, a little better, a little………a little what? A little NOTHING. Christ came so that we might have life abundantly, not a little, but a lot. The terms used to define the Greek word used are abundantly above, advantage, exceedingly, beyond measure, more. Those words don’t make me think of a little better, they invoke visions of greatness, of going beyond the norm, accomplishing the never can’s, the can’t be done and the impossible. It brings to mind thoughts of a life better than the one I have right now…..but wait, I already have Christ, I am a believer… why would these words that define the type of life Jesus died to give me, make me think of better than what I already am? Perhaps it is because I have accepted this new life, but have yet to commit to live it fully? OUCH! That is something no one wants to hear, or admit to. Look around the church the next time a preacher makes a statement like that. You will see a lot of wrinkled noses, and that look….you know the one…the one that clearly says I KNOW he is NOT talking about me! Yet he is, isn’t he? Very few of us are living an abundant life. Lewis Timberlake made a great statement this week at a speaking event. “God does not give us dreams to taunt us” Mr. Timberlake is 100% correct, and by the way is a man I believe is living an abundant life…..a coincidence? I think not! Our dreams show us what we can achieve, if, we live abundantly.


Unfortunately , to live abundantly, you will have to take risks, and that is enough to stop many people in their tracks. But let me ask you this. Would you own a Porsche and never put your foot down? Would you own a racing boat and never throw a wake? Would you own an airplane and never fly it? We all know the answer, you are going to use every bit of power and freedom that they have to offer. But wait, there are risks, it could be dangerous….what is that you say? That is part of the appeal? Well then, why would the risks associated with using every bit of power and freedom that has been given to you by the Lord be any less appealing? It you want to fully live, you have to live like you are dying, because guess what? You are. You have to take that risk, step out in faith, and go after that dream, because that dream is not a dream. It is a reality waiting for you to show up. You were alone, but now you are not, and the One at your side said I did not die so that you can just get by.  I did not give my life so yours could just be mediocre. No my friends, we have an abundant life waiting on us. You think not you, but I assure you it is you. You think you can’t but Christ just told you that you can. You have to try, you have to get out of the comfort zone, you have to take a chance. Go live your life abundantly, you thought it was great living with Christ in your heart, wait until you start to live the abundant life He will live through you!


God Bless,


Brian Thetford


The Ridge Fellowship




The Workweek With Christ



God Bless,


Brian Thetford


The Ridge Fellowship




The Workweek With Christ



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