Missed Opportunity
Ephesians 5: 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
At face value to hear this passage might sound pretty bleak. Every day is evil? Every day is the devil's? Tell me that does not sound depressing! However the Greek word ponēros is derived from the base of a word that means to toil, and by implication Anguish, or pain. The word has a meaning of hurtful, or malice. When you think of it the days are hurtful. Each day is full of pitfalls, and snares, we know it, we each walk through the mine field every day. It is why the scripture urges us to make the most of every opportunity. We should get everything we can out of every opportunity that comes our way. Now some might say well I do make the most of every opportunity!…. To that I would have to ask….really? A lot of times without us even realizing it, we fall short. Think about it, do you squeeze all of the toothpaste out of the tube before you throw it away? Do you take all of your work and get it all knocked out, or do you set some off to the side and "wait till later" How about that report? Did you go that extra step, or was good enough, good enough? Did you get everything out of that car ride home with your kid form whatever event you were driving home from? Did you make the most of the time that you had with your wife, or Husband this morning before you left for work? Did you talk to that person you have been meaning to about Christ? Did you invite them to your church….did you offer them a ride? You see, often we throw out the tube of the day, without squeezing the last bit out of the bottom…..and that is what makes the day hurtful, that is truly an evil day. We have not made the most of the opportunity we have been given.
Oh I hear ya already, Brian, I don't have the time, I am too tired, there is too much going on….I need help! And there ya have it! You have hit the nail on the head, you need help. I know what you are saying about time, and energy, and just life in general getting in the way…..but there is help, and that help will help you to realize that your day is not that crowded, it is not that hectic, it is not that crazy, and it is not as evil as you might think. I am convinced the devil is operating on a new program. The days of being tempted by big things is moving to the side. The devil has found a new way to get a foothold in your life. He fills your day with "stuff" Oh yeah stuff….."what are you doing today?" "I have a lot of stuff going on." We become convinced that we do not have time to get that last bit of life out of the day, worse yet, we fall in to the mindset of, well, I will do it tomorrow. Next thing you know, we are missing more and more because we are convinced that we always have tomorrow. I want you to think about this. What if Jesus had lived His life without making the most out of every opportunity? Would He of still healed? What if He had started putting off until tomorrow, what could have been done today. Would He have taught as much as He did? Worse yet, what if He just did not have time to get around to dying for us? Do you think that Christ went to the cross thinking "dang, I needed to tell Peter one more thing", or " I wanted to spend more time with John", or "I wish I would have healed that woman" …..no all Christ had to do on the day He died, was to show up, and let His Father's plan come to fruition. Grant it, it was a big day, and a tall order, but He was able to make the most of the opportunity His Father gave Him, because, He had not squandered the previous opportunities. I hate to be Debbie downer here, but what if you do not make it home today? Still think you have made the most of all the opportunities that have been set in front of you? I know I have not. I have lived for tomorrow for so long, that learning to live for today is a struggle each and every day. I need help…..in much the same way Christ needed help. He did you know? Christ often went to His Father for help. There were time He felt overwhelmed, I am sure (when was the last time a few thousand people followed you around) ; Times He felt scared, times He felt alone. Each and every time we find the Jesus went to the same place, His Father. We are no different, and not only do we have God, but we have Christ Himself there to help guide us, and comfort us. Who better to help us, than someone who has been through it all!? When we go to the Lord, He steps in and cuts away the "stuff". We are able to see the diversion for what it really is, and are able to focus on the real true opportunities in our life. We are able to cut through the fog, and our vision becomes clear. We have to start depending on the Lord more, and on ourselves less. We are right, we can't do it alone, we need help. The days are indeed evil. That is why before you get on your feet for the day, it is best to start on your knees.
God Bless,
Brian Thetford
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