Oh Yes You Can
Romans 3:3 What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness?
So you can’t do it huh? God does not deliver for you, He does not listen to you, you are not important enough. You cannot dream that big, those things don’t happen to me, there is no way I can be that lucky….it’s always the other guy. I hear these, or versions of these statements often. Who are you listening to? Who has told you to water down your dreams. Who has convinced you that you cannot win? Who in your life right now, or in your past has robbed you of undiluted faith? Their unbelief, has fueled your unbelief. One of the hardest things in life to learn, and believe, is just because a “smart” person says it…well….that does not make it true. Their lack of faith does not mean that there are no faithful! We get in this habit of believing what others say, more than what we know. We start to defer to friends, self-help books, and the latest fad to try and find our worth, and our compass. We start to believe the lie that somehow the person with the better background, the better college receipt, the better wife, car, family, whatever you want to measure, is better, or more deserving that we are. Has God promised to be more faithful to them? Have they cut a deal with the Lord to have more, or have it easier? Maybe they are right, and you are just not that smart!
I want to be very clear on this, God is not a deal maker. He made one deal and one deal only, He allowed us to kill His Son, so that His Son might stand in for our sins. As a result that deal made us all sons and daughters to God, and siblings to Christ. That is the deal, not another one has been made, nor is there another on to come. God’s faithfulness extends to each and every one of us. Not more to one, and less to another, but exactly what we need and how much we need to accomplish His goals for us. Folks His goals are big, His plans are monumental, and His faith, and belief in you goes well beyond what any mere human might think of you. Could you imagine if Christ let His faithfulness be dictated by those around Him? I can see it now, Jesus walking down the streets of Jerusalem, kicking rocks and dust, head down, murmuring to Himself, “geez, the Pharisees don’t believe me, the Romans don’t believe me, very few of the Jewish people believe in me”……”Maybe they are right”, “Maybe I can’t change the world”. “Maybe my Dad just does not know what He is talking about”……….. WHAAAAAT???? Could you imagine? No….honestly no, I cannot imagine that ever happening. So why do we think it is ok for us to think like that, why would we allow someone’s unfaithfulness nullify God’s?
We have to believe in ourselves, and the best way to do that is to believe in God’s faithfulness to us. It is hard to just believe in ourselves, You hear that all the time….”come on, just believe in yourself and you can do it”. But if you will believe in the promises God has made to you, then it becomes quiet clear that no one can dilute your dreams, no one can hold you back. You are not trapped, you are not restrained. God….the God….you know THE ONE….He says you can. He says you are worth it. He says that with Him, His Son, and the Holy Spirit in your life there is no dream that He sets into motion that you cannot accomplish. Do not allow the unfaithful around you to nullify God’s faithfulness! Shrug off the I can’t, and the I will nevers’…God says you can, the Lord says you will, listen to the Lord. He will tell you time and time again, “yes my child, you can”.
God Bless,
Brian Thetford
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