July 19, 2011

Who Is In Your Boat?

Mark 6: 50-51  ….Immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” 51 Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed, 



We all know this story. It is the account of Jesus walking out to meet the Disciples in their boat. Oh did I mention that Jesus was walking on water to get there. No matter what account you read, they all have the same things in common. The Disciples were in a boat on a lake, and the winds, were getting the best of them. They were struggling, Jesus saw it, and He went out to help. Of course Jesus shows up, climbs in the boat, and the wind dies down, and they were completely amazed.   Huh, imagine that, Jesus gets in the boat and the wind dies down. Funny how that happens. Here we have a group of guys, they are good Christian(well, they are not called Christian yet) men, they are following the Lord, they are changing their lives, and helping to change others….Yet here we see them, being tossed around on a lake like a cork…..they did not have Christ with them!


So I have to ask, who did you take in your boat this morning as you launched out into the day? Who will you give a ride to toady? Who will be in your boat on your trip back home? Most of us will leave by ourselves, we will pick up a few people, and drop them off throughout the day, and when the day is over, we will turn the boat in the direction of the house and set out for home. Throughout the day we will typically run through storms, showers, and on the good days…bright sunshine…..but who is with us? Have we left without taking the One passenger that will get us home safely? The One passenger that will calm the storms of life? Too many people today want to be the Captain of their ship. They set out alone, and return alone. They leave Christ back at the house tucked neatly in whatever box they use, only to dust Him off on Sundays, then return Him back to His box.


As I am sure you will agree, Christ is too big to try and stuff into a box. He is the one person you want in your boat of life every day, not just as a passenger, but step up to the plate, and let Him Captain your ship.  Why? The last part of this scripture sums it up. They were completely amazed. We are not that different form the Disciples. We are all human. These guys ran with Christ every day, and every night, and yet time and time again when Christ showed up, when He did what only He can do, it is recorded that they were always amazed. The KJV reads that “they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure.” This was not the first time that Christ had stepped in and brought them peace. Yet they were amazed. It would be safe to say that they lived in a constant state of amazement! That is why we make sure we have Christ in our boat. SO we too can live in a state of amazement. Think you are good? Christ is better. Think you are strong? Christ is stronger. Think you are un-sinkable? I can promise you, without Christ you are not.


When you set out to sail today, make sure and take Christ with you. Give Him the rudder, and let Him direct your steps. The bright sunny days will be brighter, the dark stormy days will be shorter, and with Christ at you side you will see beauty through it all, you will be sheltered during the storms, and your joy will be complete. You too will understand what it means to be sore amazed in yourself beyond measure. You will find that fear will have no hold on you. For with Christ as your Captain, the roughest of seas are smooth sailing.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford



The Ridge Fellowship






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