I Will Not Be Moved
Psalm 62:6 He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defense; I shall not be moved.
You have to love these feel good verses! Doesn’t it sound great my rock, my salvation, my defense…..God is great indeed! I knew a guy that was always talking about how he ran his house. Make no mistake about it, it was HIS house. His wife did what he said to do, his kids never talked back, and carried out every instruction to the letter. TO hear this guy talk, what he said went, and there was no debate, no conversation, his word, and direction was law, right or wrong, he was the king. Funny thing though, I dropped him off from work one day, he invited me in, so in I went. While we were talking in the kitchen, his wife comes home. Now what I witnessed was not the iron fisted rule I had heard so much about…not by a long shot. Inside of the first five minutes she was home, his wife had him hopping! Take out the trash, the kids need to be picked up in the next half hour, and my favorite…..she wanted to know what HE was cooking for dinner! What happened to the MAN of the house? Well, honestly he told people what he thought would make him look like he was expected to look, in reality things were a little different!
It is the same way with some of these verses sometimes. My rock, my salvation, my defense, I shall not be moved. These are not just feel good about God verses. They are declarations of how our relationship with God works. HE is my rock, this is not some pet rock that we keep in a box. We are talking a boulder. A rock so big that we can stand on the top, and weather any storm, and be safe from the flood waters, and the currents of this world. HE is my salvation. My deliverance, aid, victory, prosperity, health. This is not a word to be used lightly. Salvation is all in, it is not a sometimes, wishy washy word. It is a word that encompasses the very essence of our new life with the Lord. We are SAVED. He is my defense. He is our fortress, our protector, our shield form this worlds snares and traps. This verse finishes up with I shall not be moved. I will not sway, I will not waver, I will not change course, what you see today, you will see tomorrow. How I am right now, is how I am every day. This is the hardest part of this passage. We have to stay with the Lord. We cannot move. You move you come off the rock, you run and the victory has to chase you. Would you leave your fortress, to go outside while you were under attack? I would think not!
This verse is not just a “feel good verse” It is a declaration, it is a battle cry, it is a resounding resolution shouted for the world to hear. I SHALL NOT BE MOVED. Do not be like my friend who will profess one thing, then act another. Do not read this verse, then go about your day as if you are not a new creation in Christ. Let the true meaning of this verse sink down into your marrow, let it fill your soul. He is my rock, my salvation,; he is my defense; I shall not be moved. Live it today, and every day to come. Live it like the victor that you are. Display it for the world to see. Let them know, you will not be moved.
God Bless,
Brian Thetford
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