A Prayer for the Church
by John Piper
O Lord, by the truth of your Word, and the power of your Spirit and the ministry of your body, build men and women at Bethlehem...
- Who don't love the world more than God,
- who don't care if they make much money,
- who don't care if they own a house,
- who don't care if they have a new car or two cars,
- who don't need recent styles,
- who don't care if they get famous,
- who don't miss steak or fancy fare,
- who don't expect that life should be comfortable and easy,
- who don't feed their minds on TV each night,
- who don't measure truth with their finger in the wind,
- who don't get paralyzed by others' disapproval,
- who don't return evil for evil,
- who don't hold grudges,
- who don't gossip,
- who don't twist the truth,
- who don't brag or boast,
- who don't whine or use body language to get pity,
- who don't criticize more than praise,
- who don't hang out in cliques,
- who don't eat too much or exercise too little;
- who are ablaze for God,
- who are utterly God-besotted,
- who are filled with the Holy Spirit,
- who strive to know the height and depth of Christ's love,
- who are crucified to the world and dead to sin,
- who are purified by the Word and addicted to righteousness,
- who are mighty in memorizing and using the Scriptures,
- who keep the Lord's Day holy and refreshing,
- who are broken by the consciousness of sin,
- who are thrilled by the wonder of free grace,
- who are stunned into humble silence by the riches of God's glory,
- who are persevering constantly in prayer,
- who are ruthless in self-denial,
- who are fearless in public witness to Christ's Lordship,
- who are able to unmask error and blow away doctrinal haze,
- who are tough in standing for the truth,
- who are tender in touching hurting people,
- who are passionate about reaching the peoples who have no church,
- who are pro-life for the sake of babies and moms and dads and the glory of God,
- who are keepers of all their promises, including marriage vows,
- who are content with what they have and trusting the promises of God,
- who are patient and kind and meek when life is hard.
Pressing for all there is in Christ,
Pastor John
© Desiring God
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Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: By John Piper. © Desiring God. Website: desiringGod.orgPsalm 22 Ministries
GOD has not forsaken you
"By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." - Jesus