June 06, 2008


In his book Charity and Its Fruits, Jonathan Edwards contrasts the spirit of envy with that of Christian love (or charity).

It is pride that is the great root and source of envy. It is because of the pride of men's hearts that they have such a burning desire to be distinguished, and to be superior to all others in honour and prosperity, and which makes them so uneasy and dissatisfied in seeing others above them. (Edwards, 121)

The great King Solomon wisely stated that all work done in envy is vanity. It is meaningless and a "striving after wind". (Ecclesiastes 4:4)

Edwards says that this spirit of envy stands in direct contrast to the spirit of Christian love. He explains that whenever the Christian "perceives its (envious) emotions rising within him on any occasion, or toward any person, so far as he is influenced by a Christian spirit, he will be alarmed by it, and will fight against it, and will not allow its exercise for a moment." (Edwards, 115)

The key for the Christian as the Apostle Paul puts it is to learn that in whatever situation they are in to be content. (Philippians 4:11)

Envy unfortunately is a sinful mind-set that is not only found in the world's system, but also in that of the church. This is nothing new. Even Paul exclaimed that many in his day preached Christ from envy and rivalry (Philippians 1:15). Christian lay people as well as vocational ministers must continually have an attitude of humility as they search their hearts for this deadly attitude. Why it is not spoken against more often in the church is a travesty.

In measure, envy may be second only to pride as it is the root of various other sins. It was the envious heart of Satan that could not stand God's blessing on mankind, thus he sought to uproot it. Indeed his heart was and still is that mankind should fall. For one to allow room for any sort of envy into his or her life is to share in the heart of Satan. The heart of Christian love however, wishes not to step on anyone's toes, but would rather in humble servanthood wash that person's feet.

Edwards, Jonathan. Charity and Its Fruits. Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1852.

- Scott Hescht

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