May 13, 2008

Spiritual Anorexia

--- from David Stone's "Morning Manna"

In a sense man's greatest need is to see his need. Until a person realizes he has a need he isn't going to do what he should. People don't get saved until they first realize they are a sinner in need of a Savior. But even God's people have problems in this area. Far too often we suppose that all is well between us and God when it isn't. At other times we know that something is amiss, but we don't take any steps to correct it.

We could talk about numerous things in this regards, but the one thing that stands out the most in my mind is people's attitude toward the Word of God. Based on their actions it's obvious that they don't see any great need for it. They seem to think that daily Bible reading and study is only for preachers and teachers. For them, all they need is a weekly portion spoon fed to them by someone else.

If that's your case, let me ask you some questions. Don't you ever long for God to communicate with you in a vivid meaningful way? Don't you ever feel that, although you have all the major doctrines pretty well nailed down in your mind, something is still missing? Don't you ever wonder why you can't stay fresh and excited about your duties as a Christian? Have you lost the wonder of worship?

I'm simply trying to help you see that you have needs. I think every true Christian can identify with the things I've just mentioned. I would guess that we have all felt that way during some period of our life. So what's the solution? I'm sure, at least I hope, that you already know where I'm going. The answer for all those questions is the Word of God. Just as God designed us so that we need our daily bread physically, we need His word daily. You can't neglect God's Word without paying a price. You can't neglect it without serious consequences anymore than you can refuse to eat without suffering physically.

God's Word provides peace for your problems, comfort in your calamities, strength in your struggles, hope when you are helpless, direction in your despair, faith to face your fears and much, much more!

Don't miss out on the wonderful feast God has prepared for you. Make sure you spend quality time everyday feeding on His wonderful Word. You'll be glad you did and it will show. Job said,"I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food".( Job 23:12). We all should do the same!

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