June 03, 2011

Friday the 3rd

Proverbs 18:4 The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook.  


One thing you can count on in the Bible. When water is used for imagery, it is used to show life. Life giving water, the Word of God is life giving water for the soul. The words that come out of our mouth the Psalmist tells us are deep waters, and wise words are as a flowing brook. Life comes straight form our mouths. Honestly, this is something I need to be reminded of often…..sometimes daily. God is the creator, Christ is the healer. That is our family, and that means that through the death of Christ we too are now healers, not disease.  We are adopted into the family of life, and it is that life that we must send out into the world. You can heal people, I would even go as far as to say that part of God’s plan for each of us, is to help heal those around us.


How often does someone come to you, dejected, downtrodden, at the end of their rope? When we meet them, do we offer that life giving water, or do we get down and wallow with them? Worse yet, do we fan those flames until not only do they feel bad, but we have convinced ourselves that we are in the same boat? Our words are the life giving water that they need. They need to hear how this is only a season, they need to be reminded that God does not make junk, they need to be extended that adoptive invitation into the family of healers…..and that is our job. We build up, we heal, we encourage, we are the positive force in the lives around us. We can help heal those who think they are not good enough, we can show people that God thinks we are all beautiful, we can lead by example, and show them that there is nothing that is too hard, too big, or too daunting for God.


Decide today that you will be that positive force in the world, choose to show positive. I can promise you that there is enough people out there trying to showcase the bad. You can help heal the hopeless. Fill with faith the doubtful, and show God’s grace to the graceless. It all starts with what comes from our mouths. The words that we have worked so hard to sharpen so that they bite, sting, and cut, must be set to the side, and replaced with words that build, heal, and encourage. I have to admit, my vocabulary is quite extensive when it comes to biting criticism. I have had to work to develop a vocabulary of faith that will overcome. It is something that takes daily work, and it is something that we have to choose to do. As my mother would say on mornings when I was feeling less than loving. “I see that little devil sitting there on your shoulder, he is whispering in your ear to be hateful, hurtful, and mean……You have to knock him off!” The older I get the more I realize just how right that woman was…and is. It is far easier to tear down, but when we do, we dam off the life giving water that is inside of us.


Let it flow today. Open the floodgates, and choose to let the wisdom of the Lord flow from your mouth. It is amazing the power that we are entrusted with. We can build, or we can demolish. We can heal, or we can cut. It all starts with the words that we choose. Choose to give life, choose to heal, choose to walk a little closer to Jesus today. Choose to Glorify God with your words. Choose to heal, so that you too might be healed.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford



The Ridge Fellowship






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