May 17, 2011

take it with you

John 11:8 “But Rabbi,” they said, “a short while ago the Jews there tried to stone you, and yet you are going back?”


This is what the disciples spoke to Christ when He wanted to return to Judea for Lazarus. “They tried to kill you, why would you go back”? Of Course Jesus looks at it more along the lines of “how can I not go back?”. Standing against the storm. While Jesus gave us many examples to live by, it would seem that as many times as He stood His ground, as many times as He went back to face sure opposition…..He wanted to leave us plenty of examples of being strong, trusting in our heavenly Father, and standing in the face of opposition. Go back, finish the work, even if you know they are looking for you, go back for a friend even if they might try to kill you, speak the truth, even if they might throw stones. Christ knew that while man might kill the flesh, all flesh does in fact die at some point, after all the human mortality rate is still holding steady at 100%. It is living for the next life that counts. Christ’s drive can be summed up in one word, fearless. HE was fearless in the face of opposition, He was fearless in the face of authority, He was fearless up until He drew His last breath. He was a warrior, and His sword was the sword of truth, that is the Word of God. You know….I have that sword, so do you…..but the fearless part does not seem to come so easy, does it? The biggest, sharpest, deadliest sword, is useless if no one will swing it. Could you imagine? A fine knight, out on his best steed, wearing his best armor, and holding his sword at his side. The battle rages in front of him, yet he will not engage. That is how I feel sometimes, I would dare to say that is how we all feel from time to time. To bring it to modern times, we own a Porsche, but we do not want to drive it. They will not listen….they will mock me…..I will be excluded…..they will not understand…….these are just a few reasons why we get up each day, and leave our sword by our bed as we head out into the world. It seems crazy to say that doesn’t it? That would be like a cop leaving his gun, a firefighter leaving his ax, a baker without flour, or a or a butcher without a knife


. The Word of God is our sword. It offers protection, it provides defense, and most of all it brings truth. The world does not always like the truth, the devil absolutely hates it. The truth brings light, and the light makes all things seen. So why would we leave it behind when we go out into the world? Why would we think that we can do it all on our own? When we look at Jesus’ life we see such strength,  such clarity, we see what determination looks like. Then we think of His words. Time and time again, He reiterated, He was not here to do His work, but the work of His Father. The words He spoke, were words from His Father. It was the Word of God that sustained Him, and drove Him.  If we want that strength, if we want that determination, if we want to be able to stand fearlessly against any storm, then I would humbly suggest that we quit trying so hard to do our will, and start trying to do the will of our Father. If we want to speak fearlessly, then perhaps we should base our speech on the Words of our Father. If we want to have that unbelievable strength, then maybe, just maybe we should realize how weak we are, and how strong the Lord truly is. We too can face any fear, stand before any foe, and withstand all of the attempted stoning in our lives. We have been given example, after example. We stand on the rock that is the Holy Trinity. When we do, we find that we stand in fine company. Moses, Jacob, David, the disciples, these are just a few of those who stood on that rock, and the most well know of course is Jesus Christ Himself. All of these people wielded the sword of truth, and I promise you, no stone, no taunt, no plot, no opposition can withstand that sword……all you have to do is remember to take it with you when you head out into the world……and then….be ready to swing.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford



The Ridge Fellowship






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