Are You Hungry?
The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Part IV
Reflections on the Sermon on the Mount
Matthew 5-7
(Commentary by Guy Glass and Scott Hescht)
Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
Scott: Understand that the Sermon on the Mount is just that; a sermon. Though it may seem at first glance to be a collection of various wise proverbs and commandments, it is much more that, centering around a central idea as does any other speech given by an intelligent man or woman purposefully conveying a message. What is this message? As one reads through the Sermon on the Mount, it becomes clear that Jesus is calling those who would follow Him to a higher standard.
Barack Obama recognized this in referring to Christ’s teaching as “radical”; and the truth is, they are radical in comparison to the social norm. Not much has changed in the nature of man. There is a part of mankind that recognizes some good, but screams, “Now wait a minute!” when challenged to love like Jesus loved. Some read the Sermon on the Mount and eventually walk away disappointed much like the rich young ruler did when Jesus beckoned him to a higher calling (Mark 10:17-22). There was a part of the young man who wanted to follow the Messiah, but in seeking his own righteousness he came up short.
Before judging the poor lad for walking away, we must first look at ourselves. Do you seek after righteousness? If the answer is yes then ask yourself from where this righteousness comes? If it is found in an attempt to follow the rules without the Author of them, then you too will sadly be disappointed and eventually find yourself unable to do so, walking away as did the rich young man. Even in an attempt to layout the Sermon on the Mount before us as a blue print to satisfaction, we will be empty. This too is self righteousness, and truth be know, there is no such thing as self righteousness. We will waste away in our own futile attempts to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect.
So is the Sermon on the Mount a wash, or on the other hand, is it an attempt to show us the impossibility of following the Son of God? Absolutely not. Remember that those whom Jesus spoke to were those to whom the Kingdom of God had come. They are those who were the poor in spirit and had placed their faith in the living Christ; Jesus the Righteous One. They knew they lacked and that is exactly why they sought the mercy of the living God. It is His righteousness that they hungered for. Those who hunger for His righteousness will be satisfied.
Therefore the Sermon on the Mount is not an outline to righteousness. It is the fruit of an individual living in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. This most famous sermon can be summed up as “The life in Christ”. Those who are “born again” in His righteousness will be satisfied. Not only does His grace cover where we have fallen short, but He gives us a new heart that desires righteousness. These commands of his become less radical and more of an outflow of our love for God and our love for people through the power of Jesus Christ. He makes the impossible possible. So hunger and you will be fed. Thirst and you will be refreshed. He makes all things new; and all things He will set right. In Him alone we are satisfied.
To the self righteous, this sermon will indeed be out of the realm of possibility. Many will be turned away. Others will be turned off. To those who have placed their trust in the Righteous One, they will receive His teaching and high calling of love for God and other people with joy and thanksgiving.
Labels: Christ, Jesus, Righteousness, Sermon on the Mount
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