October 15, 2012

Christian Unity

Colossians 3:11
Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.
God calls his church to unity. The church is one body of Christ with one purpose, and that purpose is to be a reflection Jesus Christ.
We all have different DNA. We are all individuals that God has made in a unique way. We are sort of like snowflakes, no two people are the same.
We all have different talents. I am a graphic artists. Others are skilled at music or building or administration, etc.
 As Christians, we all have different gifts. The Bible says that when we receive Jesus Christ into our lives, we receive his Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives gifts to each and every believer in order to be used to build and build up God’s church; that is his people.
So, while God has a unique purpose for each, we are still one. This is because Jesus Christ is all, and in all. In order to realize this we must first come to understand three things about Jesus. We must understand who he is, what he did and where he lives.
Who He is.
The man Jesus who walked this earth 2,000 years ago was not merely a man, though he was fully man. Jesus was the Son of God. This means that he is God himself. He is Yahweh. He is the great I AM that spoke to Moses from a burning bush. He is the same God of the Old Testament who walks among his people in the New Testament. He is the son of His heavenly Father (distinct), yet every bit of the same God as was his Father (one). As God, the Bible says that Jesus created all things. This includes you and I. He also sustains all of creation. At his word, all of creation would cease to exist. So he made all and sustains all.
Understand what He did.
Jesus was punished by his heavenly Father while dying for your sins and for mine. Then Jesus defeated death by being raised from the dead. He saves all who believe upon him and when he returns will raise them from the dead as well. Jesus saves all who believe.
Understand where He lives.
He dwells in everyone who believes. As stated earlier, Jesus works in his people by the working of the Holy Spirit. This is what the Bible refers to as being born again. Jesus is in all who believe.
But Christ is one. 
It is the same Christ who created each of us, who sustains each of us, who saves us and who works in us. His church is being made into his image, the one who is all and in all.  Therefore as the people of God there no distinction of race, gender, class, or otherwise.
 There is only Christian.

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