God and Shrek
When it comes to love and acceptance, our world says, "look a certain way, or act a certain way and you'll be loved." Our culture teaches us that love is something that can be earned. The trouble with that is many of us don't have what it takes to be loved.
Years ago, singer/songwriter Janice Ian made the same observation in her song entitled, "Seventeen." The song says, "I learned the truth at seventeen; That love was made for beauty queens, And high school girls with clear skinned smiles... And those of us with ravaged faces, Lacking in the social graces, Desperately remained at home, Inventing lovers on the phone..." She finished by dedicating the song "To those of us who knew the pain Of Valentines that never came, And those whose names were never called When choosing sides for basketball."
There are no beauty contests when it comes to God's love. There is nothing you can do to earn God's love. He knows me for who I really am, and loves me--warts and all. I think that's one reason why the animation movies Shreck and Shreck 2 are so popular. Fiona was once a beautiful princess who lost her beauty. But ugly old Shrek loves her for who she is on the inside, not on the outside. And in a way, his love makes her beautiful.
That's the kind of love Jesus has for you. The Bible says," Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."(1 Samuel 16:7) Yet when God looks at our heart, He doesn't see anything there that deserves His love. But He loves us anyway. It is His love that makes us beautiful.
God loves you, but don't miss the point: God doesn't love you because you're valuable: you're vauable because God loves you.
-----from the sermon "Is There Hope When I've Messed Up" by David Dykes
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